Rania Khalek Dispatches from the Underclass

Tag / gun violence

Here is everything you need to know on day two of the multi-state and now multi-nation search for 33-year-old Chris Dorner, the LAPD’s ex-cop turned cop killer.

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The gunman who fatally shot a school bus driver in Midland city, Alabama and then took a 6-year-old kindergardener hostage yesterday is still holed up in his underground bunker as the standoff with law enforcement continues. The bus driver, who was shot four times, has been identified as 66-year-old Charles Poland Jr. and is being hailed […]

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“How am I supposed to explain to my daughters that their father was murdered by the police, the people who they are supposed to go to for protection,” asked Rosanna de la Trinidad three days after her husband was three days after her husband was killed. Jose de la Trinidad, 36, left behind a wife and two daughters, […]

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Sandy Hook has understandably horrified the country and put school’s everywhere on edge. But taking it out on a little kids isn’t going to make schools safer.

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Slate has joined forces with the twitter feed @GunDeaths to track the number of Americans killed by guns since the Newtown massacre on December 14, 2012. As of today, that number stands at a staggering 1,045 people. And those are just the gun deaths that have been reported. That’s why Slate’s editors caution that their tally is […]

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In typical fashion, gun and ammunition sales skyrocketed post-Sandy Hook, just like they did after Tuscon, Aurora and Obama’s reelection. But this time time is different. According to RT America, this has led to a nationwide bullet shortage so severe that police are putting off training exercises to avoid running out of ammunition: Police in […]

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Another school shooting has occurred in Bakersfield, California at Taft Union High School. KERO-TV is live streaming their coverage.  At least 2 students were reportedly shot. One student was airlifted to the Bakersfield hospital. I’ll update you as the situation continues to unfold. UPDATE: I noted earlier that Taft Union has an armed police officer, or […]

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For most of us in the US, the National Rifle Association (NRA) is viewed as an exclusively domestic obstacle to gun regulation. But, as it turns out, the NRA’s obstructionism extends far beyond our borders, impacting the safety of the entire world. In the US, it’s more difficult to purchase a car than a gun […]

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Gun violence is rarely discussed except for when a horrific mass shooting takes place. Still, even with the nation’s eyes focused on this particular issue, there is one kind of gun violence that is continually ignored: Police killings of unarmed citizens. In my experience, liberal gun control advocates are the most silent on this issue. […]

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Yesterday evening, a 49-year-old woman in Oakland, California was shot and killed by a stray bullet while walking to the store, marking the city’s 124th homicide of 2012. Thus far, a google news search of “Oakland woman shot” has produced just four articles about this particular shooting. As I wrote earlier this week, the media usually pays […]

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