All eyes are on Gaza, where the death toll from Israel’s merciless bombing campaign has topped 1,000. But back in Jerusalem, where sixteen-year-old Muhammad Abu Khudair was burned alive by Jewish vigilantes in a “revenge killing” incited by Israeli politicians early this month, right-wing lynch mobs continue to roam the streets in search of Arabs to attack. Their […]
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All eyes are on Gaza, where the death toll from Israel’s merciless bombing campaign has topped 1,000. But back in Jerusalem, where sixteen-year-old Muhammad Abu Khudair was burned alive by Jewish vigilantes in a “revenge killing” incited by Israeli politicians early this month, right-wing lynch mobs continue to roam the streets in search of Arabs to attack. Their […]
We already know that ignoring America’s extrajudicial killings of unnamed brown people halfway across the world is uninteresting to most US media outlets. But this month, the establishment press has really outdone itself. On March 2, a US drone strike slammed into a vehicle parked near the town of Shebwan in the Marib province of […]
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