Saturday Night Live performed a dress rehearsal skit mocking last week Chuck Hagel’s Senate spectacle confirmation hearing for secretary of defense. Like the hearing, the skit is all about Israel with pretend Republican Senators John McCain, Lindsay Graham and Tim Scott fighting over who loves Israel the most while insisting Hagel isn’t pr0-Israel enough to be defense secretary.

The funniest part is when pretend John Mccain presents Chuck Hagel with a hypothetical to measure his devotion to Israel, saying, “You get an urgent call from Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and he says to you it is vital to Israel’s security that you go on national television that night and perform oral sex on a donkey…would you do that for Israel?”

Too bad the skit was cut from the show and as far as I know no explanation has been given for why.

You should definitely watch it if you haven’t already but keep in mind that in the real-life US Senate, Democrats are just as if not more hawkish on Israel as Republicans. Enjoy!