In his recent Harper’s cover piece, “Empire Burlesque,” Daniel Bessner traced the evolution of the foreign policy vision that defined the so-called American century and how it has been reshaped by failures and a changing world order, including a new multipolarity and the rise of China. He draws a distinction between the liberal internationalists and […]
Tag / foreign policy
Rania Khalek was joined by Daniel Bessner, associate professor of international studies at the University of Washington and co-host of the podcast American Prestige, to talk about US foreign policy under Biden. What’s changed? What hasn’t changed? Is the US empire collapsing? And what should a progressive foreign policy look like? Become a patron: […]
A few weeks ago I participated in a speaking event about Syria and US foreign policy more generally. It was hosted by Massachusetts Peace Action. Below is a video of the conversation. What’s interesting about this event is that there was an attempt to get it canceled organized by a collection of pro-regime change groups […]
Biden’s foreign policy will come from the same “experts” who destroyed Libya & Syria, but w/ lots of women in charge. What’s it mean for the world? We discuss on Left Bitches. Listen anywhere you get podcasts. Subscribe for perks: — Rania Khalek (@RaniaKhalek) November 13, 2020
Contrary to popular media portrayals, the Middle East wasn’t always plagued by regressive fundamentalism. Salafi jihadist groups like Al Qaeda were not popular in the region. They still aren’t. They have been violently imposed on people thanks in large part to the actions of the US, which has a longstanding pattern of backing religious fundamentalists […]
Donald Trump derided Hillary Clinton’s hawkish foreign policy record [last] weekend, a glimpse into a potential general election strategy of casting Clinton as the more likely of the two to take the nation to war. Just moments after maligning Syrian refugees at a rally in Lynden, Washington, Trump pivoted into a tirade against Clinton as a warmonger. “On […]
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