Rania Khalek Dispatches from the Underclass

Tag / NYPD

The New York Police Department deployed an undercover officer named “Mel,” who “converted” to Islam and infiltrated Brooklyn College, according to a report published in the Gothamist. As reported, three Brooklyn College graduates shared how “Mel” had developed relationships with them. She was present “during some of the most private moments of their lives,” and they […]

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Glenn Broadnax, a 35-year-old black man from Brooklyn, was unarmed on the night of September 14 when NYPD officers shot at him in the middle of Times Square, striking two bystanders. Instead of apologizing, the New York Times reports that the city has charged Broadnax “with assault, on the theory that he was responsible for bullet […]

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Former Los Angeles police chief William “Bill” Bratton is a staunch supporter of stop and frisk—a practice that intensifies racial profiling and police brutality towards black and brown people while failing to prevent crime. Bratton loves stop and frisk so much that he says cities without it are “doomed to failure.” So imagine my surprise when […]

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A group of Muslim teens were allegedly beaten up by NYPD officers on Monday, August 26, while playing handball in a Bronx park, and had their hijabs, or Muslim headscarves, torn off in the process. Sisters Lamis Chapman, 12, and Khalia Wilson, 14, told the New York Daily News that they were playing handball on […]

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This video shows a remarkable scene of police overkill in a Harlem subway station on the afternoon of May 13. What begins as two cops from the NYPD trying to handcuff a seemingly unthreatening black man quickly spirals into over two dozen officers flooding the station to arrest him. The video opens with one of the […]

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An NYPD whistle blower, Officer Pedro Serrano, presented damning evidence in a class-action lawsuit against stop-and-frisk, an NYPD policy the plaintiffs argue violates the civil rights of minorities who are overwhelmingly targeted. In a conversation secretly recorded by Serrano, Deputy Inspector Christopher McCormach can be heard telling him to stop-and-frisk “male blacks 14 to 21” […]

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Independent journalist Ryan Devereaux interviewed 39-year-old Tishana King, the only known eyewitness to the police killing of 16-year-old Kimani Gray in East Flatbush last weekend, revealing new and disturbing details about Gray’s last moments of life.

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There are some excellent articles I’ve come across this weekend about police misconduct. I haven’t had time to post about each individually so I’ve highlighted what I believe are must-read stories. 

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