Thanks do you have children ..imagine saying to your beautiful 8 year old son ” I’ll see you in a minute .. OK be with you. Then 5 minutes later is is mowed down by an illegal alien
You are a low immoral wicked bitch. Let’s have bash America.. our military that risks their lives for slime like to tell me my Josh and his little brother who watched him die that I am xenophobic! Who raised you? Youre pro murderers, Palestinian, anti freedom a Marxist an evil despicable low life. But you’re free to speak out hatred and bigotry. Are you pro Isis and Stalin and Mao. Too bad an illegal alien didn’t murder a hate filled anti American (if you are an American ) and other vile products of the slug family. You are a disgrace. You’re proud of it.
Hilarious! Loved every minute of this.
Wow. Even worse than I thought. Repugnadems!!!
What the hell is going on? These moms Trump brought on stage are like a hate group.
Fuck you cunt, apologize and then leave the USA.
Why are most (u hmm like said on cñn)the Browns so racist.White reporter help heat up public.riots.race wars.What are you teaching all your kids..dumb
Thanks do you have children ..imagine saying to your beautiful 8 year old son ” I’ll see you in a minute .. OK be with you. Then 5 minutes later is is mowed down by an illegal alien
You are a low immoral wicked bitch. Let’s have bash America.. our military that risks their lives for slime like to tell me my Josh and his little brother who watched him die that I am xenophobic! Who raised you? Youre pro murderers, Palestinian, anti freedom a Marxist an evil despicable low life. But you’re free to speak out hatred and bigotry. Are you pro Isis and Stalin and Mao. Too bad an illegal alien didn’t murder a hate filled anti American (if you are an American ) and other vile products of the slug family. You are a disgrace. You’re proud of it.