Rania Khalek Dispatches from the Underclass

Tag / Democratic Party

Trump lost, enjoy the moment! But the real fight is just beginning. Democrats were complicit in the misery that led to Trump. If they don't materially address the needs of working people, it will give rise to an even more dangerous version of Trump.pic.twitter.com/marw8vurvi — Rania Khalek (@RaniaKhalek) November 7, 2020

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Throughout the Democratic presidential primary, journalists and commentators have relied upon their interactions with Bernie Sanders supporters on social media to promote the myth that what drives white men to support the democratic socialist is angst or some form of racial resentment. But there simply is no basis in fact for this argument; in fact, […]

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There is a sexist double standard, establishment columnists insist. Hillary Clinton can never yell about political revolution because she is a woman. Madeleine Albright wields one of her favorite lines and declares there is a “special place in hell” for women who do not help elect Clinton. Feminist icon Gloria Steinem suggests so many women […]

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