Rania Khalek Dispatches from the Underclass

Tag / austerity

The Philadelphia School District’s (PSD) state-run School Reform Commission voted in March to close 23 public schools, nearly 10 percent of the city’s total, in a move they say is necessary to plug a $304 million budget deficit.

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In the wake of the catastrophic tornado that tore through Joplin, Missouri, the likes of which has not been seen in the 61 years since record-keeping began, areas that have been affected are in desperate need of disaster relief. You would think the party that so vehemently claims the title of “pro-life” would be first […]

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On the surface, differences between Democrats and Republicans on budget cuts seem oceans apart, given the heightened rhetoric over a looming government shutdown.  But in reality, Democrats are just as committed to austerity cuts as Republicans.  It’s simply a matter of how much. The fierce budget-cut battles in congress over a possible government shutdown mask […]

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