In the wake of the catastrophic tornado that tore through Joplin, Missouri, the likes of which has not been seen in the 61 years since record-keeping began, areas that have been affected are in desperate need of disaster relief. You would think the party that so vehemently claims the title of “pro-life” would be first in line to assist those lucky enough to survive. Instead the pro-lifers have predictably unmasked themselves as the heartless scoundrels they are. In an effort to force further spending cuts, the GOP has stooped to a disturbing new low:

Virginia U.S. Rep. Eric Cantor said Tuesday that any spending costs associated with federal disaster funding for Joplin, Missouri, tornado victims must be offset with spending cuts.

The Virginia Republican said “if there is support for a supplemental, it would be accompanied by support for having pay-fors to that supplemental.”

The House Republican leader is the first to push for spending cuts related to the disaster that has already claimed over 100 lives. Democrats slammed the Republican leader, saying it amounted to “ransom.

Cantor and his ilk are attempting to hold disaster relief ransom to enact more of their failed economic agenda. Just when you think the GOP has hit rock bottom, like when they try to privatize Medicare or allow guns in bars or loosen child labor laws, they pop out of nowhere with another repulsive proposal. I wonder what cruel, vomit-inducing legislation they will surprise us with next.