Renisha McBride (Fox 2 News)
(There have been many developments since this story initially broke. See here.)
If you thought what happened to Jonathan Ferrell last month was horrific, wait until you hear about the slaying of 19-year-old Renisha McBride.
At around 2:30am on Saturday morning, McBride got into a car accident near Dearborn Heights, a suburb around Detroit. Her cell phone battery was dead so she went to nearby home to seek help. But after knocking on the door, McBride was killed by a gunshot wound to the head. (Update: Homeowner claims shotgun discharged accidentally.)
Dearborn Heights police initially told McBride’s family that her body was found dumped near Warren Avenue and Outer Drive, but that story quickly changed. Not only are police refusing to release the identity of the man who shot McBride, they’re now saying she was mistaken for an intruder and shot in self-defense on the homeowner’s front porch. Even if that’s the case, and there’s reason to believe it’s not, the shooter still failed to call 911 after shooting an unarmed woman in the head, instead leaving her there to die. Does that sound like the behavior of a law-abiding gunowner who made a tragic mistake?
Bernita Spinks, McBride’s aunt, told The Detroit News that the shooting was unjustified regardless of whether or not the shooter believed she was an intruder.
“He shot her in the head … for what? For knocking on his door,” said Spinks on Tuesday. “If he felt scared or threatened, he should have called 911.”
Spinks said the family met with officials from the Prosecutor’s Office on Tuesday. Spinks said she believes her niece was racially profiled.
“You see a young black lady on your porch and you shoot?” said Spinks.
“He killed my niece and he needs to pay for it. He needs to be in jail.
“There was no window broken. My niece didn’t bother anyone. She went looking for help and now she’s dead.”
Detroit News reports that police, despite changing the initial story, sent a request to the Wayne County Prosecutor’s Office today asking for charges to be filed against the man who shot Mcbride. But that’s no guarantee the charges will stick given that Michigan is a Stand Your Ground state. And, as is usually the case with Stand Your Ground, race may have played a role in McBride’s death.
She is, after all, a black woman from Detroit, which is 82 percent black, whereas Dearborn Heights, the area she was shot in, is 86 percent white. As I’ve noted here before:
The problem with a law like Stand Your Ground is that it excuses and encourages deadly force against “perceived” threats. In the United States, where implicit and structural racism persists on a vast scale, is it wise to empower people who almost certainly have irrational and racist fears, to kill instead of call police who are trained (at least they’re supposed to be) to deal with potential threats?
Race also appears to play a significant role in whether a homicide is deemed justifiable. A recent study conducted by John Roman of the Urban Institute’s Justice Policy Center found, “the odds that a white-on-black homicide is ruled to have been justified is more than 11 times the odds a black-on-white shooting is ruled justified,” a reflection of the racial disparities that plague all aspects of the US criminal justice system.
Regardless of your position on Stand Your Ground, one thing is for sure. The family of 19-year-old Renisha McBride deserves answers.
Detroit Free Press reporters Niraj Warikoo and Bill Laitner uncovered new details surrounding Renisha McBride’s death. Among the most shocking revelations is that, according to McBride’s family, she was shot in the back of the head as she turned to leave the porch of the home she had sought help from.
Bernita Spinks, McBride’s aunt, told Free Press that the man who killed her niece was arrested but then released. She added that McBride was “disoriented” and “scared” after her 2001 Ford Taurus was struck by another car about four blocks from where she was killed. After the crash, she parked and walked to find help, “knocking on people’s doors,” said Spinks, who went on to compare the shooting to that of Trayvon Martin.
As for the fate of McBride’s killer:
A warrant request was submitted to the Wayne County Prosecutor’s Office on Wednesday, but the office has asked police for further investigation before a decision is made on whether any criminal charges will be authorized, according to Maria Miller, spokeswoman for the prosecutor’s office.
Saaadddd!! Lets see if he will get away wit this… If u dont hear about this for a while just kno the state, county will probably try to pay off the victims family, because the guy was n tha wrong etc. etc. SADDD COLD COLD WORLD!!!! 🙁
even thought its said to say he probably will!
Don’t jump to conclusions… http://nation.time.com/2013/11/06/police-seek-charges-in-shooting-of-19-year-old-detroit-woman/…. Sounds like they are seeking charges… How could they not…. Plus if it was a cover up it would of never made the internet I guarantee that
You say don’t jumpto conclusionsbut, when was the last time you saw a body hanging on a clothes line or your apt. building was burnt down because you a black person moved in the ( wrong block of town ) . I am color blind but, it is painful. The for realthing that has changed is the way we react.
No one needs to jump to conclusions Wyler. A quick internet search will show you that at first no charges were being filed and they did change the story. I doubt it is a cover up but that is irrelevant! So many people say the Boston Marathon blasts were a cover up along with Sandy Hook and it made news across the country.
what do you mean don’t jump to conclusions…what if that was your son or daughter? I bet your response would change quickly. As a matter how many stories have been reported to your knowledge that involves a young white guy or girl in the wrong part of town (predominantly black) being shot in the head for knocking on someone’s door for help shortly after being fatally struck from a car crash???? Either way you view this story, the person is still wrong for killing her for no legitimate reason. That young girl probably had a bright future ahead of her and now thanks to some idiot it ended short. maybe someone should kill your child, if you have any and lets see how you feel.
My child ain’t blick …mah N—-R!
This is ridiculous! These “Stand Your Ground” defenses are weak at best. These crimes are clearly “hate crimes” and should be tried as such, prosecuted and the maximum penalty should be granted for these openly disregard to human life. Stand Your Ground is a coward’s way out and should be the way into prison for the ultimate violation “taking a life”.
Credibility and legal analysis matters. Shooting someone at your home would invoke the Castle Doctrine, not Stand Your Ground laws. Stand Your Ground laws expand the Castle (home residence) Doctrine to other places like your car or a public space.
I fiercely oppose our gun culture that has distorted the 2nd amendment, and I think all “Stand Your Ground” laws should be repealed. But if we are going to be persuasive, we need to have our facts straight, and this tragedy did not directly involve Stand Your Ground laws, it involved the Castle Doctrine.
A lot of gun proponents say “gun control is population control” and I don’t know that I disagree. Since racism is a statist thing to begin with, assuming that the state will “properly deal with” situations that should be “taken out of the hands of” private individuals is a bit of a fallacy, in my honest opinion.
Go to Brightmoor and stand your ground Foo !!
I’m replying again to correct an important legal misunderstanding. This case does not involve Stand Your Ground laws at all.
Stand Your Ground laws only apply outside of home attacks. Therefore, the person who killed Ms. McBride cannot even claim that defense.
I think Stand Your Ground laws are reprehensible and should be repealed. But please stop saying this case involves that law. Misrepresenting the law and getting it wrong undermines liberal/progressive arguments.
Please, get the legal analysis correct so we can have a stronger and more convincing argument.
As far as I’m concerned it doesn’t matter what law is argued, the young lady was shot in the back of the head. So now what?
How many americans go to the door with a loaded shotgun, when someone knocks on the door? Having been a police officer, I have to say that this is not reasonable. If they were trying to break in and continued after you came to the door, then you call the police. You don’t open the door, ( where therein lies your safety ) and shoot an unarmed female in the face. How can you say that you feared for your safety when you opened the door, thereby giving up your safety?! Any reasonable person has to conclude that there was no fear, if there was why would you open the door?
A reasonable person would at least look at who was at the door before making the decision that this person is a threat! You cannot determine if a person is a threat until you see them or they’ve made threatening remarks or actions, such as busting a window or trying to kick in the door.
Lets look at this thing with clear eyes. He had to see her, he opened the door, he aimed for her head and face, and he pulled the trigger only after he opened the door. These things do not an accident make. These are all deliberate acts. The majority of the body is lower and that being the case, you have to deliberately aim for the head. Pulling the trigger again is a deliberate act, you must move your finger into the trigger well and deliberately pull the trigger. Its a small place so its no accident when your finger finds it.
I own plenty of firearms and I have never accidently fired one. Caution is necessary because they are capable, in the wrong hands, of taking life. We are looking at this thing all wrong in alot of cases. The intention of these weapons are to preserve life. Defensive to persuade intruders to leave, and to defend your life and those of your loved ones. When you are barricaded like in your residence you operate from a position of strength, and safety. Only when the barricade is breached is there cause for alarm and defensive weapons are to be deployed.
The decision his man made towards this 19 year old girl, was not reasonable and he is guilty of murder.
now that could have bin a white girl then the law would have bin change when whites start dying what will you say , because I have to stand my ground a white man walk up to me and I saw him stick his hand in his back pack so I shot him with the rise of whites killing blacks it only makes sense what will you say then .
well said miss
911 tapes from Garden State Plaza Police seek charges in shooting of 19-Year-Old Detroit Woman. http://tiny.cc/4w2h6w
Another young black life cut down early. Its time the stand you ground law is put to bed by the federal government as it has produced more ‘accidental’ shootings of innocent people – and what seems to be mostly innocent blacks.
Uh…i agree, but before the Stand…. laws, black people were still being gunned down…and often by the “Protect and Serve” bunch, yes law enforcement.
I do so look forward to the day when I no longer need to preface comments on racial issues with this phrase…I’m a white man…
As I continue to say, justice is not black or white….to that I’m going to add, ‘far too often, injustice is owned by too many black people who wish harm on no one.’
Stand your Ground laws are just legit laws to kill black people by white racists, and I say this based on statistics. Similarly, Israel likes to make a case for their Security(as if all Arabs are terrorists), but stats show 10 times the numbers of Palestinians are killed versus Israelis). Palestinians have no standing military, OTOH, Israel, thanx to US taxpayer’s $8 million per day and US hardware, tanks, jets,etc, Israel has the 4th largest military in the world and they are worried? How do you think Palestinians in Gaza and the West Bank feel as Israel has a standing army occupying their land?. Palestinians were victimised to begin with over 60 years ago due to their lack of aggression, since they as a group peacefully lived under other regimes and empires that controlled them, but didn’t remove them from their land, Zionists did.
I mention Israel and Palestine because a parallel can be drawn. Israel is like the bully standing over you his boot pressing on your neck as you lay there, while he yells stop, you’re hurting me, or the guy who shoots you&as you lay dying you overhear him say, look what you made me do. Same in this country, white people treat black people wrongfully, yet they are the victims when in fact, if anyone is victimised it’s black people.Whites have 7 times the wealth, and the judicial system is rigged racially and statistically history shows it. AND having a black president means little as it gives white people the attitude that hey “we ‘let’ a black man, ‘one of you people’to be president”. Don’t laugh, I actually heard a Tea Partier say that same phrase, and I was unable to keep silent, and I thought we were gonna finish it with fisticuffs, but though steamed I had to walk away, you can’t argue with a drunk.
Until racist whites can admit they are not being fair minded and are, in fact racially biased without good reason, we will have racism tinging every aspect of life. And innocent folks like Trayvon and Renisha will keep dying wrongfully.
Israel is certainly not blameless, by any means. But your portrayal of the Palestinians as harmless waifs who have never sought to do harm to anybody is ridiculous. Ever heard of the PLO? They’re terrorists. There’s blood on both sides hands, and enough of it that neither side can be accurately portrayed as victims. Except for the innocents BOTH sides have killed.
I can’t say you’re wrong, and perhaps if I’d wanted to do a more complete dissertation I could have gone on and on, but the points you seem to object to I made were about the beginning Pre-PLO if you’ll notice.Besides the PLO was merely copying the tactics of the Zionists that began the whole mess. I stand by what I said only due to the fact it’s true, don’t take my word for it. May I suggest Look up King David Hotel, the USS Liberty, Ilan Pappe’s book The Ethnic Cleanisng of Palestine, historian Benny Morris, websites like Mondeweiss, JVP, ifamericansknew.org etc and so on.Seems odd that is the only thing you seemed to have seen and reacted to.not the 10 times the deaths of Palestinians than Israelis, or that Israel yacks about Security with the 4th largest military as the US pumps millions into it daily, while the Palestinians have no army, just kids tossing rocks and mostly noisemaking rockets Hamas shoots that may do harm if they land on your head.Israel has 200 kids in jail, why?If you are for justice, you’re backing the wrong horse here.
u go I love it when the truth is spoken
Well said, finally!
This not a new story.. This an old story that is just happening in so called ” New Times”. The “Racial Fears” theory is just something that has been put out there as a pass for the White Racists who gave up the country living put on suits and moved to the suburbs better yet let me retract that, they always existed in every community it’s just sad that we as so called “Black People”, have put are guards down, we have let the public smiles that we get blind us from reality. My father always said “What does not come out in the wash will come out in the rinse”.
I think The “Racial Fears” theory is alive and well. Two words, Intimidation and attitude. Look around. Wish it could change.
But it won’t. If the enemy is armed, we need to be armed. I refuse to volunteer for execution. Black people need to organize. Do as our grandparents did, network with black families across the region. Stop travelling alone. There should have been a male with this young woman, screw the “independent” sh*t, people need to travel in groups, or die alone. Period.
While in somewhat agreement, violence begatting violence will just play into racists dream of a race war. Ghandi and MLKJr both did so well with non-violence idea. Maybe Renisha had no one to travel with her, and accidents are just that, unexpected and all. There is strength in numbers, but if she’d had a friend, what if her friend with her was also black?Maybe 2 black people would have died. Maybe as the white man that I am, I speak out of turn, but killing will always be wrong to me, justified by nothing or justified with good reason, killing is still wrong across the board. So, events like Renisha and the well known Trayvon case, really saddens me immensely.
gandhis a loser and he is the reason why india was naive .im glad he got murdered.
I hear what u r saying but really enough is enough why should we have to be fearful of walking driving running of our children even going to school a movie down the street to visit a friend because some a hole does not like the color of our skin this is not the country our four fathers died for to create a country of peace there is no peace here there is no civility here I sit I listen I tell my son a fine ass looking black man son please be careful watch your back and your front come home please I tell my daughters the same because they are beautiful young girls and if I see it I know there are others that see it too and want to take it away. Again I say enough is enough we have to stand up and stop sleeping wake tfu America
its easy you live by the sword you die by the sword you are not the most welcomed race by any ethnic minoroty to be very honest. you white people discriminate,oppress,dehumanize,slander,defamate other races character and india was a peaceful country why did you whites go there loot destroy their infrastructure then leave it in political instabillity and then call it a thrid world sh hole when the truth is you whites are the white turdworlders which had nothing which was yours to begin with yes let the truth be told!why did you people change the christian lords name to jesus when it was Yeshua for his name and he wasnt white.why did whites kill the lord?
well you whites are here illegally on my soil and you are the problem to every race as history past and present dont lie so you should leave OUR soil!
This is so sad but at the end we don’t know the whole story. and we know he will get off just by what they did to this lady. i pray that her soul find peace and he pay for what he did to her.
Well, we know some things. The police lied to the family. The police is protecting the identify of the killer. The killer is not in jail and has not been charged with a crime as of this date. And it looks like that Renisha was shot in the back of the head after turning around to walk down the porch. My heart goes out to the life Renisha could have had and the pain and suffering that her family is experiencing now. I’m also furious at the police for not arresting the man right away and locking him up until his trial, stand your ground state or not. You do the crime, you do the time.
More details: http://www.myfoxchicago.com/story/23876234/death-of-girl-19-in-dearborn-heights-may-have-been-self-defense-gone-wrong
George zimmerman all over again. The outcome will be the same.
George Zimmerman is a true killer who thinks that GOD does not see what he has done! Oh but OUR GOD sees all and takes care of his own! Renisha is covered and GOD himself takes care of ALL of his angels! Prayers go out to her family.
Time for the Federal Government to ban this insane law, they talk about the Affordable Care Act as if its some type of plague, and yet here are whites legally able to kill anyone they “perceive” is a threat…
Changing the law won’t change the targeting of black people by insane white gunowners, but it’s a good start, there should never have been the passing of these laws, a step backwards to a wild west shoot’em bang bang movie to a reality. I’m threatened by many things, black people is just not one of them. I’ve never owned a gun, though mugged a few times, I still won’t get one.
and where do you live? probably no where near a black ghetto.
How many times have you heard of a black person in the so called ghetto killing a white person here is the USA, get real f–l.
Never answer your door at 2:30 am at a time when most are not up. See who’s at the door through the window or peephole in the door. If not sure who they are call the police. Let the police handle the emergency. I would not recommend taking a shot gun like our vice president suggested and shoot the person through the door. Not sure how that would hold up in court even though Vice President Joe Biden did say it was OK. Sorry this had to happen.
Sometimes people knock at my door by mistake a 2:oo in the morning.
I go to the peek hole and leave don’t open the door. It could have been anyone.
Where is the justice for People just needing help What happen to Love thy Neighbor as thyself
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Don’t blame this on the Tea Party or Republicans. It doesn’t matter if the neighborhood was black or white, rich or poor, The shooter was a LIBERAL DEMOCRAT. That is for sure.
no LIBERAL DEMOCRAT has ever instituted Stand Your Ground laws in any state – that’s ALL the work of rightwingers, Tea Party scumbags and the NRA
Alex David, you are infected by your hate-conditioning. You read this
story & your knee-jerk impulse is ignorant assignment of blame.
You can’t confess your own shame. You’re stupid & weak.
The Left & the Right are on the same side, serving the same Master,
and they can count on losers like you to perpetuate the theater.
You are a fool. That is for sure.
If people knew their history, They would look at things differently. Black America has been fooled into voting for a bunch of guys that just want their vote so they can have the power. End of black slavery, women’s right to vote, anti segregation laws, right for blacks to vote, and the civil rights amendment. All these had no problem getting the votes of Republicans but each and every time, It was the Democrats that fought these measures. Look it up people, know your history.
You’re comment is irrelevant…
You’re a racist inbred idiot! You think this is funny until blacks start standing their ground to…
This tragic, unnecessary incident SHOULD be blamed on the Tea Party. Who better to blame it on? TP’ers are often racist, and call out Blacks for all sorts of imagined activities they feel threaten their very existence. The Tea Party spreads their hate like icing on a racist cake. Those that aren’t outright traitors are too stupid to be allowed to vote or breed, even with other humans.
That’s really not helpful. We all need to join together to make a better world for our children.
no you need to go back to europe problem solved.
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1 Question..
What’s with the 1st Lie?
Her Body Found Near Warren& Outer Drive..
Sadly you Nail’d it..
DIFFERENT PLAYERS, “Shakin my Head”😡😡💐💐
Sad story don’t know all the facts! But If the tides where turned would you be writing about this? My guess probably not,, what a shame
yeah, jim – the “real” shame is that there’d be no article here about a white person killed by a black person — not the fact that someone has died needlessly – that’s not much of a shame at all.
Why cant one just read and comment on the story at hand and stop reflecting on something that does not apply
Gents, (Jim and Marcus) you are both wrong there would be an article written about a black man killing an unarmed white person as it sould be. The issue here is that you will never hear of a Black person killing an unarmed White person and that Black person not being arrested and charged regardless of the circumstances (Including guilty ass OJ). If I am wrong please cite at lease one incident where that has happened. The article is about the pure ability to kill an innocent black person without consequences and that is the issue that seems to continually spring up under this “Stand Your Ground Law” and this “You look guilty because you are black and do not belong here so I’ll shoot and kill you and ask questions later. Oh I made a mistake shit sorry! Thanks officers for stopping by and checking on me. Oh well what’s on tv?” type of attitude that seems to be displayed.
If not it would be due to statistics that show this to be an ongoing problem, whites are not victims statisically at the same rate, far too many black people are. That’s the reason.Pull your head out of your ass and think.
incorrect. do your homework. black on white crime is skyrocketing.
On a previous comment, I hope you know, I was being ironic, because if a white person had been killed it’d be all over the media, and my other comment used the stats correctly, and that’s what the irony was.
dude wtf planet are you on? what are you smoking? when a white person is killed it is NOT on the news. if it is a black person killed it is ALL OVER THE NEWS and blown up. you can thank liberal media for that, fomenting a race war and creating a bubble for the masses to live in. fortunately. some of us know how to research the facts. I suggest you do it.
Thats an absurd statement. Look at any news and crime and we see white victims. the story is not the crime per se, but the behavior of the police in lying to the family of the victim and refusing to tell them who shot her is what makes this a headline story.
You need to get real—when a white person is killed it is ALWAYS all over the news. Unless you don’t watch TV at all, that’s the reality. Enough of that liberal-blaming BS—that has NO place in an article about a young woman’s needless death.
I’m not buying the shooter’s story about him believing his house was about to be broken into. Get real—if someone was going to break into your home, hell, the LAST damn thing they’re going to do actually knock on your door, and practically let you know they’re there! All the an had to do was look out the window, and ask the girl what she wanted. For all he knew, she could have been one of his neighbors or something. I also grew up in Inkster, which is pretty much next door to Dearborn Heights. It’s funny learning that Dearborn Heights is 86% white, mainly because it always seemed much more of a diverse area than even more lily-white Dearborn,MI ever was.
republicans are the devils they are for racist whites and nobody should ever vote for republicans
it already happened. it happened in canada with the amanda todd bullying suicide ordeal. and before that a persian jumped off the patuulo bridge in vancouver surrey and nobody said a damn thing nor did they create a bill to stop the issue but when a white teenager died oh god now look amanda todds mom talked to stephen harper and the new bill has just been placed last week. dont believe me then see for yourself.
Whites live in fear of blacks in the USA. I’m not American but when in America I feel that fear. It’s the same fear that slave owners had of a rebellion. America is paying the price for being built on slavery and holding on to slavery as long as it did.. this curse will not go away until white people lose their fear. That is going to take generations. It’s terrible, but it’s reality. Start erradicatung it by teaching racial harmony and tolerance to children and outlawing gun ownership. Stop living in fear aand embrace humanity . Until America does si it will never be truely great.
wrong. why don’t you research back on white crime rate that goes unreported in the US. the fear (and with some HATE) the whites and other races have towards blacks is real because the blacks are violent and the stats show you the facts. not all but a large number are and that is what is causing these white ppl and others as well as the police officers to have a knee jerk reaction when dealing with blacks. it’s not right but it is human nature. what needs to be addressed is not the “fear and teh curse” that you are talking about..what needs to be addressed is the bad attitude that many blacks have about the past. until they get over this, and stop collecting welfare and hating “whitey” and choosing to lv8ie a life of crime and violence, then the reaction of the people around them will be fear and leading up to hate. I am sad that this happened to this black woman, the person that shot her is either highly paranoid and reacted, or is in fact a white supremest, hates blacks. Here is one thing you did not know: blacks owned blacks back in early America. YES. so this whole thing you say about the slavery of the past effecting today is not as cut and dry. The bottom line is: look at the black on black crime in Chicago, and other cities..look at the stats and crime rate of blacks. they are scaring people. and unfortunate upstanding or innocent blacks in the black community get painted with the same brush. So maybe this is about blacks, as a community facing what is going on with their ppl and changing it.
Look asswipe, why don’t you give us the source of your lavish research showing the stats you talk about, else STFU. And though I am white I’m sure you can’t pretend to know the ‘black’ experience of a peoples whose ancestors were equal to furniture or a good horse to do with as the owner pleases, and if you happen to be black, which I doubt you are, you’re shameful. This much I think is clear, much of black peoples negative behavior perhaps stems from resentment at being treated less than a white human being, and so, rather than lay down, they fight back same as you would do, but you have never known oppression so you’re talking out of your ass, a symptom of white privilege. You’re unable to really see facts as you’ve distorted them inside your head based on your bias. Whites have 7 times the assets of blacks, the prison system is by far highly represented by blacks, who are a minority, and like any grouping the Bell curve would count for them as well with no higher criminality than a white majority, clearly the system is rigged. The South re-instituted slavery with Jim Crowe laws and made a virtual slave industry of the prison system that hired out prisoners for big bucks to businesses. Crimes carried higher than reasonable sentences for spitting on the sidewalk or such nonsense like that. You really are an ignorant person, you don’t care about the facts.
So, put up or shut up, show the source of your stats.
As for black on black crime, its a symptom of a more complex problem based on the white majority with its sense of entitlement. Human beings are violent, not any one race, and consider looking at DNA of a known white person versus a black person without knowledge aforehand DNA shows no race. Black people are YOUR remote ancestors where humans originated and on the plains they needed protection from the Sun, melanine in the skin made their skin dark and able to withstand Sun’s negative effects. So, when you talk about black people you’re speaking of YOUR ancestors, so act like a human being and stop blaming one group for the world’s troubles.
you need to face reality. do your own research Chicago is a hot bed of violence black on black crime. hundreds killing each other. do you know how to use Google? USE IT AND STFU. facts are facts. why do you think the largest population in prison are blacks? BECAUSE they are committing crimes and are violent. USE GOOGLE and face the facts. Black on white crimes is a reality and it is creating resentment and fear in society. In the US and in Africa. Read about the Boer murders in SA. The black community in the US and in Africa needs to stop being in denial and stop blaming others for the negative cancer that is effecting them within their community and harming others around them. Two wrongs make no right and enough is enough. You might have the liberal media covering the wrong doings but any idiot can use Google and see the facts.
and with ALL DUE RESPECT that young black woman did not deserve to be shot on that person’s porch. that person is clearly an idiot and over reacted. a gun should ONLY be used if the person is INTRUDING INTO THE HOME. but my point of bringing up the crime stats and the reality of what is going on is to point out to you, there is a reason ppl are reacting the way they are either in fear or hate…due to the stats that are available if you DO THE RESEARCH. this needs to be squarely looked at and the black community needs to address this issue.
To rrjr984954#
At last someone who is informed. But sooner or later we as a people, not black people or whites or any other group, just people, have to realize that we are a precious bunch. Our differences make us stronger not weaker. As people on this planet we should celebrate each other instead of killing each other. The last option is the option people today are using instead. Now what Im about to say may be foolish, but these guys aren’t men. These
people who pull guns and kill are punks, scared to settle differences like men, hand to hand, afraid to get their butts kicked. Don’t be cowards, if you have a disagreement and neither side will relent, then ball your fists up. Don’t be cowards and kill someone. Then everyone loses. Settle it like men, not like cowards. Fight, settle it and everyone goes home, instead of the morgue and prison! Like we did in the 60;s and 70’s.
Race should not be the issue, but if it is be a man and settle it like men.
Only real men will approve of this. Realize this we are never going to be without conflict until Christ returns, but we can change the way we choose to deal with conflict. Real men will understand this, the punks will think I’m crazy.
Lol your an idiot or you hang out and around pussies, not everyone is afraid of black people..their afraid of statistics and becoming one lol …would you like to be one? And number two slavery is dead for how long now? Get over it moron….no one even talks or thinks about it that I know …shit half the new generations kids don’t even know it ever happened their parents are to dumb or fucked up to teach them out history.
no all white illegal europeans should leave.you people are the biggest problem and have been for 200 years in canada and since 1492′ in america. you people live a immoral code of false sense of patriotism and claim your veterans are heroes when they are terrorists on OUR native land.i dont understand why they get medals ribbons badges and stripes when they bloodshed innocent people. i hope the same ends up happening to white illegals who are on OUR land. what goes around comes around and 2 thirds of the world is non white so i can see this becoming a grim reality of illegal whites genocide.
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Reblogged this on Inside Jen's Head and commented:
CNN don’t care about people who call themselves Black and it’s obvious that they’re not. http://scienceitup.weebly.com/black-a.html
Haa! Funny you should mention CNN, black people, and speaking of which, CNN’s Don Lemon has a story for you about black people and his perception of their failings and what they should do. He hates blacks ‘street culture’ apparently, whatever the fuck that is, but being a white guy, maybe I just don’t get it.To be clear, no black people in my mind have bothered me as a group, though individually, a few friends(black people) advised me and said to “ignore that N-word, he’s just an asshole.”
Lemon even agrees with FOXs Bullcrap O’Wryly, but I won’t belabour the point, however, FAIR magazine for November, 2013 EXTRA! has all the particulars “When Life Gives You Lemons…” by Josmar Trujillo and you deserve to know. It may be on their website, I dunno.
Gordon, though I replied to you, it was really for who you replied to writemejenb …my mistake, but you’re right and thanx for the link.
How not to hate killed cause ur color skin,only that i understand, my feelings go to the family if they believe in God will judge him.
Reblogged this on The ObamaCrat™.
Until we as a people understand and learn what racism/white supremacy is and how it works in the daily life of non-white people on the planet all else will only confuse us. we deamand justice!
Black Agenda Report site has a side bar shown with a 2 Volume set of books by Theodore W Allen, books are entitled The Invention of the White Race, and may be of intereting.Also, Marsha Coleman, and others, check out the site. Though the site is called what it is, as a seeker of truth, I find I go there often, since like justice, truth also, is not black or white.
This is just wrong and the fact that the police is covering it up shows just how far away we are from racial harmony. I bet you if this was a white person, the news would be all over it. This is 2013 not 1913 !
Sounds to me like you are all a bunch of racists on here.
Dan Law I wish I could tell you what I would like you to do for me. You prick!!!
crazy and sad, we have to cha ge things. signed a white man.
Why do you people keep calling the wrong people BLACK. http://scienceitup.weebly.com/black-a.html
Perhaps because we’re speaking modern English, not Anglo-Saxon?
It is NO small wonder the media didn’t spread this…My son is in his last few months at University of Michigan for his PHD..Sadly? He knows what areas to frequent and vice versa..The lines are clearly drawn..Even in the year 2013! Shameful indeed…Hatred and racism are still VERY much alive in our country…Shame on the folks who commented in a negative manner to this senseless MURDER..Black or White this is wrong on so many, many levels!
Recall Renisha was in an accident and her cell was down, she had not a big choice and had she any idea anyone would just shoot a stranger who needed help, then she would have done differently, but we are hindsighting this.
I totally agree…My post in no way was blaming Renisha..Was pointing out that the shameful thing IS Black folks anywhere near the Detroit area? Know which areas are user-friendly or not..America is still segregated; regardless of desegration acts/laws that were placed many years ago..No matter how far we think we’ve gotten or should’ve gotten; we have still much , much further to GO..Law enforcement would easily find out and NAME the murderer IF the person murdered was WHITE. As a mother of 3 Black sons; & my eldest right there in Ann Arbor..this IS a constant prayer I have all the time…God please don’t let any harm come to my child in any way; but certainly not just because his skin is Black.
O my, I should have made it clearer, my comment was more of an addendum than a type of rebuke, I do apologise. I think I meant for the first part to say, I agree and if I can just add this…I know I thought that but that’s what happens when you get old, your thoughts often go their own way…or not at all. 🙂 It really saddens me these events and really i was disheartened when in the Trayvon Martin/Zimmerman case, on The Young Turks, they reported polling that showed less than 40% whites felt this was a problem that Trayvon was killed. It brought tears to my eyes as it seemed so obvious to me who was wronged here(in case you don’t know, I’m a white guy born in SC and drilled with racist crap, but what saved me was I grew up in orphanages and the racist stuff I heard mostly wasn’t coming from close family. I’m not clear if even that would have made racism take with me. I heard through the SPLC of what’s called Hidden Bias, that has to do with what words, names, and associations that often run through your mind but are only what you were exposed to hearing over and over. Things that may have nothing to do with how you feel, but are just there perhaps through the rote of learning in certain social environments. As a matter of fact I was about to say, I’m not exactly lilly white and I don’t even know for sure what that may mean. I guess I’m saying if ever any kind of racial bias enters my mind, if I know about it, then I do my very best to minimise its impact on my attitudes to those I meet, and I can honestly say if racism plays a part in me it is indeed hidden at a subconscious level, which I try to uncover as best I can. I know in books historical references let’s say, as in Mark Twain books, the N-word is used and some have wanted to sanitise works with that word in it, but it loses its historical reference about attitudes of that time. I have always disliked the N-word, cuz, it’s sorta like the Confederate flag a symbolic gesture that to fly it actively as SC does over its statehouse is wrong. SC was the start of the civil war that was about the right to keep slaves, and Tea Party types want to claim the same, historical refernce as the N-word in Mark Twain’s books, but it means something different cuz what started the civil war those nutballs want to claim was Northern aggression or taxation, anything but the fact of what really happened, but they can’t erase the document SC had written when they seceded and its in glaring words about slavery is why they were leaving the Union.
Sorry for rambling so, but it’s similar to that thing about committing adultery in your heart is the same as actually doing. In my heart for whatever the reasons, racial bias just hasn’t escaped my eradicating of it, and I feel pride at there not being a lot there to have to remove, but subconsciously, and if it is all at that level, however the small amount there may be then hopefully it plays no part at all. Kinda like whack-a-mole, if it pops up I’m ready to knock it down, at the very least I’m on the lookout for it.
Forgive me and my stoned blabbermouth I did not mean to blather on so, maybe due to my losing my almost 19 year old MyMissKitty2 last Friday, her organs were failing, so I had to take her pain on to myself and let her go. I keep distracting myself so I don’t look around and remember she’s gone.
I hope I didn’t waste your time. Thanks for listening.And I hope all your sons live long lives just as they should.
Well said and sorry for your loss…Appreciate your honest humanity!!
Oh wow..So sorry to hear of your loss..Yes, pets become part of the family..You certainly didn’t waste my time…I can relate to almost every word you shared..There are things that unite people..And sharing experiences, as you have, reveals to us how very alike we all are..I say that often; that people share more things in common than they realize. The human experience knows no skin color/no gender/no religious preference..etc etc..I’m always encouraged to see such point of views expressed..Many thanks for taking the time to do so. Stay encouraged & blessed . Sending you a virtual hug for your loss
I’ll be interested to what happens this weekend when the white person is shot in the black neighborhood. I would hide the body as well if I were they,lol. I must add that I have been several places in the world, and seen up close many mass graves with several hundred bodies in them, and children as young as 4 looking through them for their parents, and those were never reported in in the media, the story, never told. The USA is headed that way for sure. The only difference here is, you people do it one at a time,-…for now.
That’s why this case and others should be used as references in court when a Black person with a Legal gun or other improvised weapon (kitchen knife, box cutter, tire-iron) injuries or kills a white person in a stand your ground state.
In florida their was a Black woman who fired a warning shot at an individual in her own house and she has gone to jail. its time to fight back. Its time to follow Malcom X’s philosophy. If it is your right you may excersize it by any means nessesary.
Are you talking about the lady who fired her gun over the head and into the ceiling of the garage at her known to be abusive and threatening her documented many times husband that she was trying to leave, who got decades in jail, where the hell was stand your ground for her? We need to get her freed, several petitions didn’t help, but still, the Innocence Project works for DNA but why not just a WRONG judgment? DAs have been known to care, not for justice, but their conviction rate more. .
That lady did not deserve stand your ground! Marissa Alexander shot at her husbands head but missed! And he was stand next to his two sons about to leave. Further she got out of jail and went to his new house and attacked him again. (I’m a black woman and all for stand your ground for anyone who uses it lawfully) however Ms. Alexander did not deserve it, she had several opportunities to exit the house but she intended to shoot her husband in front of his two sons!
This case is completely different though, this guy is not worthy of stand your ground either and the police should not release ppl just because they claim stand your ground but the evidence doesn’t fit the law! This young lady was shot in the backof the head, my heart aches and goes out to her family. White ppl feel entitled to murder us at an alarming rate and we get no justice! And the police allows it because they do it too! I’m retired law enforcement and this saddens me on so many levels! I hope this person gets the time he deserves for killing this young lady for asking for help! And for those that disagree with what I said about Ms. Alexander please go read the court documents before responding and you will see what I’m talking about with her!
Are you serious? Marissa Alexander shot at the ceiling. She also had her eyes closed, according to her husband’s initial statement. The children were also in the NEXT room, not the same room. And what do you cal several opportunities? Tried to exit the garage; couldn’t; should she have gone back in empty handed? The gun was in her car, which is where she retrieved it from. And it’s funny how that same prosecutor let Zimmerman walk free. As for this case, it is very sad, but what’s more sad is how many people in this country won’t see a thing wrong with it.
Thanks, I love the truth. I don’t like things to be used for political gain as is the case at times. Being that she was shot in the back of the head, tells me this was a cover up and the police may have tried to hide the truth. This does get me steaming mad. Injustice is injustice no matter what color someone is.
I did read the court documents, but it sounds like you read something completely different than I did. According to every official document I have found, after her husband assaulted her she tried to exit through the garage but the doors were locked. She retrieved her gun from her car, and when her husband refused to leave fired into the ceiling while her sons were in a different room. He then (finally) fled.
I would be very intereste din learning about any official statements or court records that contradict this.
Wow it’s not a racial issue it’s an inhuman issue, and since when is Dearborn a white community perhaps I have been missinformed, here we go again in the Zimmerman trial they made it seem as if he was white (clearly Mexican not that it matters) we are not all white devils. And by the way their are Russian whites Mexican whites ebony whites Jewish whites so when you say “white people” could you be specific lol All in all I hope justice will be served.
RIP I hope all the facts as it relates to this case come to light.
That’s a good point regarding racism in the Zimmerman case…. Regardless of if you think he’s guilty or not, Zimmerman is half Hispanic and half Caucasian yet he was referred to as a white man throughout the trial… On the other hand barrack obama is also half white and for some reason he is referred to as black… I think the media and public try to make things more of a racial issue… Because obviously you get more viewers white or black to watch… It’s sad though because it undermines legitimate racisim… “The boy who cried wolf” comes to mind… http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2171751/Dont-forget-white-momma-Morgan-Freeman-says-Obama-black-President.html
most global crimes are white. the qings dynasty when whites invaded china what about india in 1849 what about north america,south america,south africa,oceana pacific and it wasnt a few white men it was armies so that is all i have to tsay to you is you people are mental and need to be deported back to europe.
AARRGH when is this GODdamned country going to address the wrongful killing of innocent black people&too many guns. Everytime I hear shit like this at first I cry, then I get so pissed I could bite nails in two. And these Stand your Ground laws is the excuse asshole white fuckers need(before anyone goes apeshit over that phrase, I’m a white man, BTW) to blow people they don’t like away, since they can say, hey I felt threatened. Well, damnit, I feel threatened by not just gun owners, but deranged gun owners…oh wait, I just repeated myself. I’m 60 plus, born and lived in the South until I could take it no more. Incidences like this just remind me of the racist bastards I fought against with my black friends when they were assaulted, sure, we got our asses beat and luckily weren’t killed, but we made a statement to racists… justice is NOT black and white, no pun intended.
I have never owned a gun, been mugged 4 times, 2 in NYC, 2 in Baltimore, and assaulted all 4 times physically, but bruises do heal, and in spite of my treatment, I refuse to have a gun, it’s just too much power that would blur a line I won’t cross, killing another person, justified or not. And if faced with life or death, them or me, well, then I may find out if there’s an afterlife…or not.
Renisha McBride, Trayvon Martin and others who are innocent and also black, some even wrongfully killed by police, my heart breaks for the life you lost and for your significant others you left behind. These events are wrong on so many levels.
I thought Stand Your Ground only applies to public places. Can someone correct me?
Shit happens get over it and her aunt comparing this to the Zimmerman-trashvon case is just too funny
It’s racist dipshits like you that are destroying this nation!
your a dick
So sad to hear that.
So sad to hear that.
The moral culture in our society is decaying very rapidly and it is being inflicted Against a certain population. Thanks to the likes of that Fat Drug Addict Limbaugh, Klannity, Lunatic Beck & Bill HO’Reilly who spew their Hate against people of color on a daily basis notwithstanding our Black president Obama-Racism has gotten worse actually since he was elected! What a Sad connotation that just because of a person’s skin color, they are being gunned down like a dog in the streets. The Revolution Will be Live And in “color”-pun intended!
my condolences to the family, its tragic and i hope the TRUTH comes out.
my condolences to the family, its tragic and i hope the TRUTH comes out.
Then a mighty angel picked up a boulder shaped like a huge Mill
Stone, and threw it into The
Atlantic Ocean,
and cried mightily with a loud voice saying!!
Just as I have thrown away this stone, the great city of Babylon will be thrown down with violence , and shall never be found again!!!
The Book Of Revelation, Chapter 18 verse 21
Then a mighty angel picked up a boulder shaped like a huge Mill
Stone, and threw it into The
Atlantic Ocean,
and cried mightily with a loud voice saying!!
Just as I have thrown away this stone, the great city of Babylon will be thrown down with violence , and shall never be found again!!!
The Book Of Revelation, Chapter 18 verse 21
Am I the only one that actually read the article… According to the statistics there is a 14% chance the shooter is not even white… I love how people just assume the person is white because of the neighborhood the victim was in… Regardless, I can’t understand how you’d ever win a self defense case if you shot someone in the back of the head… I challenge anyone to prove otherwise…. It looks like to me we are missing some facts because the story doesn’t add up… It’s terrible anyway you look at it because an innocent person lost their life…. but at the same we all need to take a step back and not jump to conclusions without all the facts
Maybe you are young and just started listening to the news? There are so many code words in this article and the one you attached that has made everyone determine that the race of the shooter is anything but a person of color. Just for your edification. 1. The fact that the race is not released is the first code the media uses to say possibile white a person of color would have been named with arrest photo. 2. The Police attempted to apply a cover up on where the young lady was shot and we all know the police do not cover up for people of color. Infact a person of color is more likely to get set up. 3. There is no way a person of color shooting anyone would not have been arrested on sight regardless of stand your ground. I am speaking in absolutes but there is always an exception but you and I know that seeing that exception is like seeing Big Foot in downtown LA at lunch time!
Am I the only one that actually read the article… According to the statistics there is a 14% chance the shooter is not even white… I love how people just assume the person is white because of the neighborhood the victim was in… Regardless, I can’t understand how you’d ever win a self defense case if you shot someone in the back of the head… I challenge anyone to prove otherwise…. It looks like to me we are missing some facts because the story doesn’t add up… It’s terrible anyway you look at it because an innocent person lost their life…. but at the same we all need to take a step back and not jump to conclusions without all the facts
Maybe you are young and just started listening to the news? There are so many code words in this article and the one you attached that has made everyone determine that the race of the shooter is anything but a person of color. Just for your edification. 1. The fact that the race is not released is the first code the media uses to say possibile white a person of color would have been named with arrest photo. 2. The Police attempted to apply a cover up on where the young lady was shot and we all know the police do not cover up for people of color. Infact a person of color is more likely to get set up. 3. There is no way a person of color shooting anyone would not have been arrested on sight regardless of stand your ground. I am speaking in absolutes but there is always an exception but you and I know that seeing that exception is like seeing Big Foot in downtown LA at lunch time!
[…] it excuses and encourages deadly force against ‘perceived’ threats,” Rania Khalek wrote on her blog. “In the United States, where implicit and structural racism persists on a vast scale, is it […]
The law is backwards. They make it legal for whites to carry guns, but want to condemn a black person for defending themselves or doing anything to protect themselves. But this what we get for not holding the people who we put in power responsible. We not only need better leaders, but we need more intelligent people to vote. So far mostly only the ignorant ones vote.
The law is backwards. They make it legal for whites to carry guns, but want to condemn a black person for defending themselves or doing anything to protect themselves. But this what we get for not holding the people who we put in power responsible. We not only need better leaders, but we need more intelligent people to vote. So far mostly only the ignorant ones vote.
This really doesn’t make any since,, how do this person feel like they was threaten… Why do people believe that everyone is out to harm them…this have gotten worsen all over the United States,,, If this person is not charged,,, so that mean that I can get a gun,,, and shot anyone whom leaves my porch,,Oh wait a minute,, I’m black so that mean that I will be charged…
This is nothing new White America hide their hatred and fear because of all the bullshit and hatred they have done since their sorry asses sailed over on the Mayflower. So if a white person is in a black neighborhood and knocks on my door at night, I have the right to shoot them because I’m afriad and their white? This country warrants that behavior because it wants a reason to declare martial law. So people please don’t be surprused by these racist assholes. And to the sorry ass white inbreed swine who committed this act and those who support this typenof racism and hatred, you soul will find no rest, your heart no peace and from this day until you die may you be haunted and cursed by your actions and i pray your pain & suffering come back 10-fold!
Again did you even read the article? Where does it say that it was a white person that pulled the trigger? It doesn’t give you any details on the shooter and from what I just read online elsewhere they are gonna bring charges against the homeowner… Because once again it’s not self defense if you shoot someone in the back of the head… But according to you every white person is a gun toting racist murderer! What’s sad is your comments sound just like the people who you are condemning! Change a couple words around and it would sound no different coming out of a racist white guy’s mouth…. What’s funny is it sounds like we all want the same thing… Not to be judged by the color of our skin yet we ourselves judge other people just for that… You can’t expect change if you don’t change yourself
That’s why you know the asshebwas white. Because thats what the media/police do when a white person commits a crime like this. They try to conceal and hide it so society doesn’t see their coward hatred…BUT we know!
The article actually says that the police have asked the DA to bring charges and the DA has asked the police to go back and bring more evidence. It also states that the man was brouhgt in and released because no charges have been filed. Typically when a DA take this long to bring charges and the police do not release the identity of a suspect you generally find a person not of color in fact in most of those cases you will find the suspect to be a caucasion.
This is nothing new White America hide their hatred and fear because of all the bullshit and hatred they have done since their sorry asses sailed over on the Mayflower. So if a white person is in a black neighborhood and knocks on my door at night, I have the right to shoot them because I’m afriad and their white? This country warrants that behavior because it wants a reason to declare martial law. So people please don’t be surprused by these racist assholes. And to the sorry ass white inbreed swine who committed this act and those who support this typenof racism and hatred, you soul will find no rest, your heart no peace and from this day until you die may you be haunted and cursed by your actions and i pray your pain & suffering come back 10-fold!
Again did you even read the article? Where does it say that it was a white person that pulled the trigger? It doesn’t give you any details on the shooter and from what I just read online elsewhere they are gonna bring charges against the homeowner… Because once again it’s not self defense if you shoot someone in the back of the head… But according to you every white person is a gun toting racist murderer! What’s sad is your comments sound just like the people who you are condemning! Change a couple words around and it would sound no different coming out of a racist white guy’s mouth…. What’s funny is it sounds like we all want the same thing… Not to be judged by the color of our skin yet we ourselves judge other people just for that… You can’t expect change if you don’t change yourself
That’s why you know the asshebwas white. Because thats what the media/police do when a white person commits a crime like this. They try to conceal and hide it so society doesn’t see their coward hatred…BUT we know!
If it had been a white woman seeking for help wonder if the home owner would have shot her? how can you be an intruder on the front porch knocking & then turn to walk away then get shot in the back of the head, naw something ain’t right here, what self defense she didn’t have no weapon so where is the self defense coming from, this man saw a black person & was scared all he had to do was call 911 or not answer his door, he needs to be Prosecuted, a lady dead for nothing stand your ground has no justice in this one.
This breaks my heart.
This breaks my heart.
dirty bastard it was an unspeak able act may they burn in hell dirty bastard. may prayers for the family rip dear one god bless your family.
dirty bastard it was an unspeak able act may they burn in hell dirty bastard. may prayers for the family rip dear one god bless your family.
this is so very sad no matter what race a young lady has lost her life for what some stupid person who didnt have to answer the door and sure in hell didnt have to shoot someone in the back of her head these are the last days and the person that did this will sure pay if not here on earth but when Jesus returns until than his life will not be a peace smh make do darn since how people can take another human life a young woman who had her future ahead of her may God give her family strength and peace through all of this pray for for both families they need it
Just for informational purposes, she was not shot in the back of her head. She was shot in the face!!
this is so very sad no matter what race a young lady has lost her life for what some stupid person who didnt have to answer the door and sure in hell didnt have to shoot someone in the back of her head these are the last days and the person that did this will sure pay if not here on earth but when Jesus returns until than his life will not be a peace smh make do darn since how people can take another human life a young woman who had her future ahead of her may God give her family strength and peace through all of this pray for for both families they need it
Just for informational purposes, she was not shot in the back of her head. She was shot in the face!!
First off I don’t understand how was she JUST in a car crash and ended up walking from the scene? Where there not police officers there? And why wasn’t someone called to notify the family that she was involved in a car crash? Nothing about this story makes sense to me. I pray that justice is served and that God has mercy on this guys soul because if he does time or not he still has to answer to a higher power that he WILL be accountable for his actions.
As the article said.. it was 2:30 in the morning/night (whatever you consider it). It may have been an incident where her vehicle was hit and the suspect fled the scene leaving her to have to take matters into her own hands. It also states that her phone was dead so obviously she could not have called the police on her own, so she had to take action and leave her car behind and seek help. The police were trying to cover up the truth because they told the family one story, and I assume they may have gotten caught in a lie and had to retract their statement and tell the truth. Whatever the case may be this is sickening, and very sad and I pray that the American justice system takes all of the evidence into account. The young lady was clearly not at risk to harm anyone.. who shoots an “intruder” in the back of the head and does not call the police afterwards to report the “crime”. Sounds very suspicious to me, and if the outcome of this situation is anything other than that man going to jail for life then I feel sorry for the entire USA. That country is so corrupt and I’m so thankful I do not live there.
You are right – the story doesn’t make any sense. There certainly seems to be more to the story than is being reported. It wouldn’t surprise me that the homeowner called the police, a police officer shot the girl. The department is now trying to blame it on a homeowner and sweep it under the table as a “classic” stand your ground case. At least, this is how I hope it plays out. Peace.
First off I don’t understand how was she JUST in a car crash and ended up walking from the scene? Where there not police officers there? And why wasn’t someone called to notify the family that she was involved in a car crash? Nothing about this story makes sense to me. I pray that justice is served and that God has mercy on this guys soul because if he does time or not he still has to answer to a higher power that he WILL be accountable for his actions.
As the article said.. it was 2:30 in the morning/night (whatever you consider it). It may have been an incident where her vehicle was hit and the suspect fled the scene leaving her to have to take matters into her own hands. It also states that her phone was dead so obviously she could not have called the police on her own, so she had to take action and leave her car behind and seek help. The police were trying to cover up the truth because they told the family one story, and I assume they may have gotten caught in a lie and had to retract their statement and tell the truth. Whatever the case may be this is sickening, and very sad and I pray that the American justice system takes all of the evidence into account. The young lady was clearly not at risk to harm anyone.. who shoots an “intruder” in the back of the head and does not call the police afterwards to report the “crime”. Sounds very suspicious to me, and if the outcome of this situation is anything other than that man going to jail for life then I feel sorry for the entire USA. That country is so corrupt and I’m so thankful I do not live there.
You are right – the story doesn’t make any sense. There certainly seems to be more to the story than is being reported. It wouldn’t surprise me that the homeowner called the police, a police officer shot the girl. The department is now trying to blame it on a homeowner and sweep it under the table as a “classic” stand your ground case. At least, this is how I hope it plays out. Peace.
I don’t understand how to whites it’s stand your ground! But. For Blacks it’s “unlawful usage of a firearm! Manslaughter! 2years for the gun! Failure to call police and whatever other crime they can put together…making it impossible for you to beat. So they say “well, with these charges it is impossible for you to get out of. So if you plead guilty to the lessor charge you will only end up with 2 years!!” And my black brothers (mainly) and sisters are sent away to prison for whatever they can think of and giving people a forever record! Crazy shit.
[…] Black Detroit Woman Shot To Death While Seeking Help In White Neighborhood After Car Crash (raniakhalek.com) […]
[…] Black Detroit Woman Shot To Death While Seeking Help In White Neighborhood After Car Crash (raniakhalek.com) […]
I suspect this is a red herring story, concocted to fan the flames of racial fear. At any rate, god bless the gun culture in your united states…wake up, people. You all know in your hearts where the real problem lies, don’t you? The second amendment needs to go….good luck, all of you.
I suspect this is a red herring story, concocted to fan the flames of racial fear. At any rate, god bless the gun culture in your united states…wake up, people. You all know in your hearts where the real problem lies, don’t you? The second amendment needs to go….good luck, all of you.
Family this whole case is nothing more then some real BS, another young Black person killed like a DOG by another White man who was in the comfort of his home, with a young Sister just looking for help. A Sister who like Brother Jonathan Ferrell, just a month ago involved in a car accident seeking help and someone shoot;s and kills him. Two much, along with police saying she was found in a field, then changing the story. Now you tell me something’s not wrong with that? My Sister’s and My Brother’s, look at us we won’t stand up for each other, we won’t Vote and we allow our own to savagely kill us in the streets as well. When will we learn that if we don’t care about each other, how in the HELL do we expect anyone else to ever give a Dam about us. we keep proving over and over this to be a fact. When will wake-up and see life for what it is and then turn around and make it what we say it should be. My God, My God please help us today. This is nothing more then HATE WORKING IN ALL FORMS AND IN MANY FORCES AND BLACK PEOPLE ARE IT’S FOCUS. TO THE McBride Family, please don’t let these people wash your Child Murder under a rug as through she did not matter, call and write everybody you have to until you get charges brought against your Daughter’s Killer. If I can help in anyway please feel free to inform me. I Send You Family God’s Peace And Love. Jeff Lewis. jefflewisvote@facebook .com
or jefflewisvote@yahoo.com or 313-610-7915.
Family this whole case is nothing more then some real BS, another young Black person killed like a DOG by another White man who was in the comfort of his home, with a young Sister just looking for help. A Sister who like Brother Jonathan Ferrell, just a month ago involved in a car accident seeking help and someone shoot;s and kills him. Two much, along with police saying she was found in a field, then changing the story. Now you tell me something’s not wrong with that? My Sister’s and My Brother’s, look at us we won’t stand up for each other, we won’t Vote and we allow our own to savagely kill us in the streets as well. When will we learn that if we don’t care about each other, how in the HELL do we expect anyone else to ever give a Dam about us. we keep proving over and over this to be a fact. When will wake-up and see life for what it is and then turn around and make it what we say it should be. My God, My God please help us today. This is nothing more then HATE WORKING IN ALL FORMS AND IN MANY FORCES AND BLACK PEOPLE ARE IT’S FOCUS. TO THE McBride Family, please don’t let these people wash your Child Murder under a rug as through she did not matter, call and write everybody you have to until you get charges brought against your Daughter’s Killer. If I can help in anyway please feel free to inform me. I Send You Family God’s Peace And Love. Jeff Lewis. jefflewisvote@facebook .com
or jefflewisvote@yahoo.com or 313-610-7915.
Stand your ground? The woman was WALKING AWAY!! Shot in the BACK of her head for leaving?! That law needs to be gotten rid of in all the states that it exists. There’s no Justice, JUST US!! If that were my daughter, the shooter would already be taken care of.
Stand your ground? The woman was WALKING AWAY!! Shot in the BACK of her head for leaving?! That law needs to be gotten rid of in all the states that it exists. There’s no Justice, JUST US!! If that were my daughter, the shooter would already be taken care of.
[…] Black Detroit Woman Shot To Death While Seeking Help In White Neighborhood After Car Crash […]
[…] Black Detroit Woman Shot To Death While Seeking Help In White Neighborhood After Car Crash […]
I just say that the violence is getting worse each day. It does not matter a young woman is dead and something needs to be done about it. I feel that something needs to be done and the law needs to look at this case real seriously. If a young woman was knocking on my door late at night I would have just called 911 if I thought I was in danger. Why would you shoot someone who had no weapon. This is not good, not good at all.
Dearborn Heights 86% White? What happened to this girl is tragic, unjustifiable and I hope her murderer is swiftly brought to justice but the author of this blog is wrong. Dearborn and Dearborn Heights both have a predominately Arab muslim population. It could be seen as a mistake on the author’s part but the title and this little gem: “She is, after all, a black woman from Detroit, which is 82 percent black, whereas Dearborn Heights, the area she was shot in, is 86 percent white.” tell me that the author isn’t interested the truth, only spreading propaganda for her “hate Whitey” agenda and fanning the flames of racial tension.
Dearborn Heights 86% White? What happened to this girl is tragic, unjustifiable and I hope her murderer is swiftly brought to justice but the author of this blog is wrong. Dearborn and Dearborn Heights both have a predominately Arab muslim population. It could be seen as a mistake on the author’s part but the title and this little gem: “She is, after all, a black woman from Detroit, which is 82 percent black, whereas Dearborn Heights, the area she was shot in, is 86 percent white.” tell me that the author isn’t interested the truth, only spreading propaganda for her “hate Whitey” agenda and fanning the flames of racial tension.
So here we go again.. What will be the outcome of this .. I don’t usually debate racism, I deal with it every day in my home because my family members catorgorize EVERYTHING under the race umbrella, which is not always the case, but here again, Trayvon Martin- skittles, Johnathan, hurt needed help, now Renisha, needing help all lives cut short because the government has given people a green light to commit senseless murders under the Stand your Ground Law.. What the Hell!! if they want to kill so much, go to war, get on the front line,
I try to give the benefit of the doubt, but I think I will start to rethink my position on the Benefit, cause its sure as hell not benefiting my people at all.,.
How can anybody sleep after shooting someone asking for help. I am against the gay lifestyle and my wife asked me if a gay person was on the road dying would I help. Hell yea nobody with a conscious wouldn’t. Unbelievably sad.
If America can’t see that we as Afro Americans are under attack! And that prejudicy still is a factor then we really are blind😤
Why am I suddenly afraid of being black?
Re: “Why am I suddenly afraid of being black?”
I’m so sorry…
Why am I suddenly afraid of being black?
What threat could there have been… an intruder is coming in not leaving. There is no way anyone in there right mind can justify this senseless crime. May you find comfort and peace of mind in God.
What threat could there have been… an intruder is coming in not leaving. There is no way anyone in there right mind can justify this senseless crime. May you find comfort and peace of mind in God.
Haven’t heard this on the news AT ALL…what’s up with that??? If the circumstances were reverse it would have been front and center as it was unfolding. Is this really 2013??????
he was a racist point blank. he wasn’t fearful of his life. why are they making excuses for a racist killer? stop it
he was a racist point blank. he wasn’t fearful of his life. why are they making excuses for a racist killer? stop it
Check my record,, I’ve been convicted of KILLING a white BOY 40 some odd years old,I was given a harsh sentence for the crime. I could’nt care less if another CRACKER was/is killed today so why do you ppl continue to gripe about a white boy killing a fellow sister,GET OFF YOUR LAZY ASSES AND START KILLING CRACKERS.The best cracker is a DEAD CRACKER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Danielle benghazigate collins,Plz suck my dick ,,, If I were given the chance to kill everyone of you RASCIST Crackers I would do it,NO QUESTIONS ASKED!!!!!!!! Your time will come and I hope and Pray that I find you and your entire family on my porch looking for help, I’d kill the newborn cracklet first,then the rest os you DOG SMELLING BASTARDS
Wow brother so you were not rehabilitated? the program does not work? Not all caucasions are out to kill us. So don’t be like the bad ones and lump all of them in the same catagory or there will never be progress. Rest and try to enjoy the rest of your life.
quit using the word caucasian that doesnt mean white call them illegal white european scum
The stand your ground law needs to be repealed. Too many innocent people will be killed on perceived threats alone. All the killer has to say is I was protecting myself and my family will walk away with murder.
Secondly, it’s race biased. Take the black woman in Florida that fired a warning shot is now in jail. She stated she was using stand your ground and she was denied.
The stand your ground law needs to be repealed. Too many innocent people will be killed on perceived threats alone. All the killer has to say is I was protecting myself and my family will walk away with murder.
Secondly, it’s race biased. Take the black woman in Florida that fired a warning shot is now in jail. She stated she was using stand your ground and she was denied.
stand your ground is just another example of how our laws are broken you think the laws were made with common séance, no they were written by angry people filled with hate for crime , they were willing to let the few die for the grater good , you have not seen the last of it not by far young black women and men will die behind stand your ground , because the news like to bust there ratings by reporting crime in the black community , when in the white community there is crime on the same scale , drugs run wild child beatings teens rape each other , they go to the inner city to buy drugs to sell there bodes all manners of filth because they don’t wont to get busted by there mother or farther that is one of the reason why there so much drugs in the inner city . in south America and Mexico there is little to no drug problems , there drug killings by gangs over who can take the most to the us and who cant , but drug users no the coca and poppies and weed is grown for the us , if you are stop or seen doing drugs you are lock up or killed , now the cartels don’t sell to there people there is no money in it , the white Americans ere the ones who pay the most and the English the Irish the Germans the French and so on. but at he end of the day , the human race is so lost and broken that this is all normal when are we going to wake up and be a count a bull for our self and the thing we do and the evil in our hart ,when are we going to say no more of our children if the courts wont do nothing then it is up to us to do something this is Jim crow all over again , you kill my little girl I kill you .
in the bible there is a saying an eye for an eye it dose not mean what most people think it dose it means let the punishment fit the crime it was the custom in the days of the bible to take a life for an eye , the punishment should fit the crime .
There needs to be a post reconstruction abolition of neo jim crow policies of so called persons proclaiming patriotism, god and founding fathers as their guides. These are the most vicious wolves hiding in the meekest of sheeps clothing, that of the common man. I say fuck em and call spade callers what they are TERRORISTS of the worst kind for they are our neighbors.
Thanks Obama!
Thanks Obama!
yes but he was not in danger of his life if he shot her in the back of the head this deems him at fault he could of ran in stead of killing a person because he was not in danger of his life
yes but he was not in danger of his life if he shot her in the back of the head this deems him at fault he could of ran in stead of killing a person because he was not in danger of his life
This is just awful. It’s not even safe to ask for help anymore.
I know that area! They are very protective of their territory for good reason. However, this lady wasn’t trying to get in the man’s house or anything. He has no leg to stand on!
I know that area! They are very protective of their territory for good reason. However, this lady wasn’t trying to get in the man’s house or anything. He has no leg to stand on!
“The problem with a law like Stand Your Ground is that it excuses and encourages deadly force against ‘perceived’ threats.”
I would at least entertain this argument from a person who objects to the fact that every law enforcement agency in America is granted that very standard (sometimes even less of a standard).
But I almost never hear those arguments. Why should citizens in fear be held to a higher standard than the trained soldiers of the state?
“The problem with a law like Stand Your Ground is that it excuses and encourages deadly force against ‘perceived’ threats.”
I would at least entertain this argument from a person who objects to the fact that every law enforcement agency in America is granted that very standard (sometimes even less of a standard).
But I almost never hear those arguments. Why should citizens in fear be held to a higher standard than the trained soldiers of the state?
How horrible! This is so heart breaking.
How horrible! This is so heart breaking.
Stand your ground can’t work in a casd where no one was being attacked. There was no threat to stand your ground against!
Stand your ground can’t work in a casd where no one was being attacked. There was no threat to stand your ground against!
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Truly sad that another innocent person has lost their life from apparent racism and the hate/fear associated with it. The person should have called 911 and maybe she would still be alive. I say maybe because less than 2 months ago, 24 yr old black male, Jonathan Ferrell, knocked on a white woman’s door after he too got in a car accident 2:30 am. The lady called 911; however, a white police officer shot the young man 10 times. The officer was arrested; however, one wanders will he be exonerated or found guilty. Last I heard, a decision was ruled to not release the police video of the incident to the public. Hopefully no evidence will be withheld in the trial. As a black minister, my recommend we operate in peace and love, trusting the Lord to handle repaying vengeance on the guilty. We must also pray against the spirit behind racism, hatred and fear. It does not come from God! We are not to fight against each other, but to attack it through spiritual warfare! In the natural realm; however, we are to stand/voice for justice, in a non-violent manner, trusting one day…justice shall be served. Here is an article on Jonathan Ferrell. Don’t let it fuel hatred but a awakening of the need for PRAYER, as well as a call for peacefully standing up for justice, no matter what race you are!
Truly sad that another innocent person has lost their life from apparent racism and the hate/fear associated with it. The person should have called 911 and maybe she would still be alive. I say maybe because less than 2 months ago, 24 yr old black male, Jonathan Ferrell, knocked on a white woman’s door after he too got in a car accident 2:30 am. The lady called 911; however, a white police officer shot the young man 10 times. The officer was arrested; however, one wanders will he be exonerated or found guilty. Last I heard, a decision was ruled to not release the police video of the incident to the public. Hopefully no evidence will be withheld in the trial. As a black minister, my recommend we operate in peace and love, trusting the Lord to handle repaying vengeance on the guilty. We must also pray against the spirit behind racism, hatred and fear. It does not come from God! We are not to fight against each other, but to attack it through spiritual warfare! In the natural realm; however, we are to stand/voice for justice, in a non-violent manner, trusting one day…justice shall be served. Here is an article on Jonathan Ferrell. Don’t let it fuel hatred but a awakening of the need for PRAYER, as well as a call for peacefully standing up for justice, no matter what race you are!
This has got to stop, when are we ever going to unite as one., I’m tired of the racism
This has got to stop, when are we ever going to unite as one., I’m tired of the racism
So I’m a little confused. How is Stand Your Ground even applicable? She was shot in the back of the head which means her back was to the door. Where did he shoot her from??? Common sense would tell you if someone hears the door open they would turn around. I would really like to know how these cops are trained now a days. I don’t know how you can be in fear of your life behind closed doors from someone with their back to you.
So I’m a little confused. How is Stand Your Ground even applicable? She was shot in the back of the head which means her back was to the door. Where did he shoot her from??? Common sense would tell you if someone hears the door open they would turn around. I would really like to know how these cops are trained now a days. I don’t know how you can be in fear of your life behind closed doors from someone with their back to you.
Stand Your Ground is just another excuse for people to kill! Thinking of the cases they’ve all involved a white person killing someone that’s either African-American or just some other race than theres! Clearly this law is just for the white people and is letting them get away with murder but when it flips and an African-American kills a white person all hell will break loose but I better see the Stand Your Ground law protect the African-American person just like it’s protecting all of these white people who have found a way to make this just like slavery days! Racism is something serious and soon African-Americans and other races will stand up!
My thoughts and prayers go out to the McBride Family.
My thoughts and prayers go out to the McBride Family.
Okay, this is getting waaaaay past ridiculous! So, now if my son’s car breaks down and he needs help and just happens to be in a predominately white neighborhood, this gives a homeowner the right to shoot my son just because he knocked on the door for help???? If you’re scared call the Law before you shoot someone who is innocent before being proven guilty! Whoever did this needs to be behind bars!!!! I guarantee you if that persons son or daughter had been in a predominately black neighborhood, knocked on someone’s door for help and been shot, there would be a nation wide dragnet for the person who did it! I’m so sick of the double standard this country still has toward so called minorities!
Okay, this is getting waaaaay past ridiculous! So, now if my son’s car breaks down and he needs help and just happens to be in a predominately white neighborhood, this gives a homeowner the right to shoot my son just because he knocked on the door for help???? If you’re scared call the Law before you shoot someone who is innocent before being proven guilty! Whoever did this needs to be behind bars!!!! I guarantee you if that persons son or daughter had been in a predominately black neighborhood, knocked on someone’s door for help and been shot, there would be a nation wide dragnet for the person who did it! I’m so sick of the double standard this country still has toward so called minorities!
Reblogged this on Flip It Right Side Up.
Reblogged this on Flip It Right Side Up.
it saddens me, to see another life taken by a gun…. Before these Gun Shop give out guns to any one who can get one, they need to have classes as to when they can and cannot shot a person. This world is the devil play ground and he’s having a ball…..
Race should not enter into this. Person A shot Person B. Enough said.
Race should not enter into this. Person A shot Person B. Enough said.
I’ve got to stop reading the news I’m getting so enraged by hearing all of this mess Aprina Paul burned by a man who claims she took a drug and died he claims to have found her dead when he woke up so why burn her call for help no he wanted to hide the evidence of the murder. ..#makeuwannagovigilante…but that doesn’t fix the problem. ..ugggg damn is this 1945 again. ..Treyvons killer did this ut seems like every since he got off White people have been doing the $hit on a regular. …omg…something got to give. ..
I’ve got to stop reading the news I’m getting so enraged by hearing all of this mess Aprina Paul burned by a man who claims she took a drug and died he claims to have found her dead when he woke up so why burn her call for help no he wanted to hide the evidence of the murder. ..#makeuwannagovigilante…but that doesn’t fix the problem. ..ugggg damn is this 1945 again. ..Treyvons killer did this ut seems like every since he got off White people have been doing the $hit on a regular. …omg…something got to give. ..
A young woman this person felt threaten of, bullshit. It just an excuse to take another young black person down. You that jealous and hateful of a people you can’t see the backfire you just caused, SMDH!
A young woman this person felt threaten of, bullshit. It just an excuse to take another young black person down. You that jealous and hateful of a people you can’t see the backfire you just caused, SMDH!
Its so sad that racism still exist I pray for her family she didn’t deserve it that’s someone’s daughter now flip it if she shot him she would have been under the jail no questions asked!!!!!
Its so sad that racism still exist I pray for her family she didn’t deserve it that’s someone’s daughter now flip it if she shot him she would have been under the jail no questions asked!!!!!
This is a (Looking at the man in the mirror) for those Edomites ( Caucasians) to see that . The error of their ways no only distance societies from them. Not only in the true Israelite nation in the Americas and other nations and continents. But Biblicaly as well those fake Jews who call themselves Jews in Jerusalem and through out the region of the mid- east. Have been in the Americas since the pathetic lie of Christopher Columbius false discover. Everywhere these caucasoids go they want to rule, rape, murder, rob, ect. And hide behind some (Bull crap laws!!!!!!) to protect they’re evil and satanical worshipping butts. Easter, Christmas, Thanksgiving, and the rest of these pagan holidays they worship. To make themselves look like they are law abiding citizens. But actually a bunch of scared racist hipocrist’s in different uniforms policemen, judges, business, senators, congress men, to the Supreme Courts. Who sits in high places and think they are ( gods) are The Most High God. It shall come to pass that those held The Most High Gods people in captivity and those who led them into captivity shall go into captivity. That means the children’s of their forefathers from generations will face the same affliction the place on The Most High Gods chosen people. The rulership will be handed over to his people and the same things that were done unto them. Shall be validated with The
Most High God the rape, murders, hanging, burnings, chopping off hands and feets, sodomies of their young boys and girls ect. And we as a people can’t wait until this day comes. Amen!!!!!!
This is a (Looking at the man in the mirror) for those Edomites ( Caucasians) to see that . The error of their ways no only distance societies from them. Not only in the true Israelite nation in the Americas and other nations and continents. But Biblicaly as well those fake Jews who call themselves Jews in Jerusalem and through out the region of the mid- east. Have been in the Americas since the pathetic lie of Christopher Columbius false discover. Everywhere these caucasoids go they want to rule, rape, murder, rob, ect. And hide behind some (Bull crap laws!!!!!!) to protect they’re evil and satanical worshipping butts. Easter, Christmas, Thanksgiving, and the rest of these pagan holidays they worship. To make themselves look like they are law abiding citizens. But actually a bunch of scared racist hipocrist’s in different uniforms policemen, judges, business, senators, congress men, to the Supreme Courts. Who sits in high places and think they are ( gods) are The Most High God. It shall come to pass that those held The Most High Gods people in captivity and those who led them into captivity shall go into captivity. That means the children’s of their forefathers from generations will face the same affliction the place on The Most High Gods chosen people. The rulership will be handed over to his people and the same things that were done unto them. Shall be validated with The
Most High God the rape, murders, hanging, burnings, chopping off hands and feets, sodomies of their young boys and girls ect. And we as a people can’t wait until this day comes. Amen!!!!!!
I was married for three years with out any child,because of this my husband start acting very strange at home,coming home late and not spending time with me any more.So i became very sad and lost in life because my doctor told me there is no way for me to get pregnant this really make life so hard for me and my family.my sister in law told me about Dr.Sango from the Internet,how he has helped people with this similar problem that i am going through so i contacted him and explain to him.he cast a spell and it was a miracle three days later my husband can back to apologize for all he has done and told me he is fully ready to support me in any thing i want,few month later i got pregnant and gave birth to twins (girls) we are happy with ourselves. Thanks to Dr Sango for saving my relationship and for also saving others too. continue your good work, If you are interested to contact him and testify this blessings like me, the great spell caster email address is:sangospelltemple@gmail.com
I was married for three years with out any child,because of this my husband start acting very strange at home,coming home late and not spending time with me any more.So i became very sad and lost in life because my doctor told me there is no way for me to get pregnant this really make life so hard for me and my family.my sister in law told me about Dr.Sango from the Internet,how he has helped people with this similar problem that i am going through so i contacted him and explain to him.he cast a spell and it was a miracle three days later my husband can back to apologize for all he has done and told me he is fully ready to support me in any thing i want,few month later i got pregnant and gave birth to twins (girls) we are happy with ourselves. Thanks to Dr Sango for saving my relationship and for also saving others too. continue your good work, If you are interested to contact him and testify this blessings like me, the great spell caster email address is:sangospelltemple@gmail.com
these white people always get away with killing blacks. it’s not even news any more. these incidents have been happening for a long time. its incidents like these that cause racism with blacks against whites.in my opinion white people are the most racist people in the world.this is the 3rd incident this year involving a white person killing a black person.blacks have only one somewhat racist group. whites have three. kkk, arayan nation, skin heads, red necks who glorify their white racist confederate flag they all make me sick to my stomach
Vince, I totally agree with everything that you’re saying, but I have a question I’d like to pose to you. Do you believe in God? If you do, you’ll know that although the state may acquit them of any charges, they don’t ever, ever get away with it.
we need to start killing them
What is a person that thinks they’re better because of color,or a mindset of superiority? We’ll in the Quron, God tells the angels to bow down to His creation,not in worship,but in awe of God,and his capability. The one who refused,Iblis who was an angel as we’ll,his refusal made him a devil and he was cast out. In the book of Job, He’s identified for who he is,riming to and fro in THE EARTH! We are dealing ,with this same devil,yes he resides in others
Does anyone asked them self that question: What if that girl had been pregnant and seeking help. How would the procecutor handle the case with the known fact she was shot on the back of the head if she had been pregnant at the time of the shooting.
Think about that.
I know nothing about Detroit nor the mid west as far as their politics and what goes on there but this case was a testimony to all who claim that such things don’t happen in white neighborhoods. And according to this post, such incident wasn’t that isolated?
I know nothing about Detroit nor the mid west as far as their politics and what goes on there but this case was a testimony to all who claim that such things don’t happen in white neighborhoods. And according to this post, such incident wasn’t that isolated?
[…] According to Dearborn Heights police, the man who shot and killed Renisha McBride over the weekend is claiming that his .12-gauge shotgun discharged accidentally. […]
[…] According to Dearborn Heights police, the man who shot and killed Renisha McBride over the weekend is claiming that his .12-gauge shotgun discharged accidentally. […]
This is so horrible and so sad. I just cannot believe how barbaric some people can be even in this century. Looking for help and gets killed instead. I am so ashamed of humanity. http://lovelyseasonscomeandgo.wordpress.com
[…] your ground? Not so […]
[…] your ground? Not so […]
Does this mean we are at war at home now? Must we be armed to walk down the street? It really sounds like a free for all to kill as many innocent unarmed young African Americans as allowable. The key word is allowable because this is not a fair fight, in fact its murder and as long as the victim is young and African American it can be justified. This is not what America was supposed to be about. I sense rage building in this country as if having a degree and not being able to find a job was not punishment enough in this land. I pray for healing and tolerance in this country before its too late and its getting very late.
Does this mean we are at war at home now? Must we be armed to walk down the street? It really sounds like a free for all to kill as many innocent unarmed young African Americans as allowable. The key word is allowable because this is not a fair fight, in fact its murder and as long as the victim is young and African American it can be justified. This is not what America was supposed to be about. I sense rage building in this country as if having a degree and not being able to find a job was not punishment enough in this land. I pray for healing and tolerance in this country before its too late and its getting very late.
Reblogged this on PreOCCUPIED ImagiNATION.
…shooting a stranger on your porch is still a crime…the homeowner should go to jail for killing the young girl..
…shooting a stranger on your porch is still a crime…the homeowner should go to jail for killing the young girl..
This is murder. Some coward saw a chance to murder someone and did it.
This is murder. Some coward saw a chance to murder someone and did it.
If a black person was banging on my door at 2:30 in the morning I might shoot them too. Especially in Detroit. But I would be racist and it would be a hate crime even though statistics show that blacks are the cause of 70 percent of crime.
And how are we to know that we are getting the full story. How are we to know that this woman didn’t start yelling and getting malicious which I see happen all the time when Black me and woman don’t get there way.
Its time to grow up and see things the way they are.
McGraw: As you go about spreading your hate, try proof-reading your work before posting. “Black me…” doesn’t sound quite right, and it is “their way”, not “there way”. Kind of highlights your stupidity, and helps us properly frame you in the proper light…
McGraw – just because you are afraid of black people, doesnt give you the right to shoot them, it doesnt give you the right to arbitrarily put the label “criminal” on a black person in your vicinity so you can shoot them. if you do, you should go to jail. Its really that simple.
This was such a ignorant response. May God fix your heart, so sad for you.
If a black person was banging on my door at 2:30 in the morning I might shoot them too. Especially in Detroit. But I would be racist and it would be a hate crime even though statistics show that blacks are the cause of 70 percent of crime.
And how are we to know that we are getting the full story. How are we to know that this woman didn’t start yelling and getting malicious which I see happen all the time when Black me and woman don’t get there way.
Its time to grow up and see things the way they are.
we need to start killing them
This is horrible i hope and pray he is charged this family and innocent young lady deserves to get justice
This is horrible i hope and pray he is charged this family and innocent young lady deserves to get justice
K few facts…Michigan is not a stand your ground state…Dearborn Heights is mostly Middle Eastern..not white…and the Wayne County Prosecutor is an African American woman named Kim Worthy whose claim to fame is putting in jail two white.cops who beat an unarmed black man to death…so my hopes are high for justice for the young sister …by the way I am from Detroit.
I read all the post and I am proud of the people who see thing for what they are really are it is so sad that still here in America where we can vote a put one of the most popular and one of the best men in office as president that we still have to worry about our children being shot down by grown damn people talking about they were afraid of a child. Since when did children get that much power that we should be so fearful of them. I saw comments about black on black crime and comments stating that if it were the other way around u would not have heard about it this is also bull because in new York a man ran over a man with a car who was riding in the front of him on a motorcycle and he states he was so afraid because he was surrounded by bikers who were not even thinking about him and because his brothers caught him and took matters in their own hands they will be charged and u know what he got to walk away even though he clearly did something wrong but no one sees that either. Bottom line wrong is wrong this baby is dead shot in the back of the head Trevon is dead this woman in florida in jail for defending herself where is the right I just can’t see it.
Love your comments about NY just so you remember that the gentleman in the suv that ran the you man over was a police officer, The real problem is that as Americans we are all guilty of looking for the easiest way out no matter the cost and unfortunately the cost usually is the loss of life which is unacceptable no matter the race of an individual.
I read all the post and I am proud of the people who see thing for what they are really are it is so sad that still here in America where we can vote a put one of the most popular and one of the best men in office as president that we still have to worry about our children being shot down by grown damn people talking about they were afraid of a child. Since when did children get that much power that we should be so fearful of them. I saw comments about black on black crime and comments stating that if it were the other way around u would not have heard about it this is also bull because in new York a man ran over a man with a car who was riding in the front of him on a motorcycle and he states he was so afraid because he was surrounded by bikers who were not even thinking about him and because his brothers caught him and took matters in their own hands they will be charged and u know what he got to walk away even though he clearly did something wrong but no one sees that either. Bottom line wrong is wrong this baby is dead shot in the back of the head Trevon is dead this woman in florida in jail for defending herself where is the right I just can’t see it.
Reality is a strong character displayed in truth, and excuses are but selfish acts of cowardliness. If a gun is the weapon of choice for protection of people who suffer from paranoid schizophrenia. Then after while there want be any ground left to stand on! Unity we stand, divided we fail !
We have to know that the odds has been,and probably will continue to be,but we have to fight these injustices with every resource we have. This means we need to learn what we can do to contribute such as awareness of reality, we’ve been the victim for to long people,after all these years of oppression,when will we learn,we are all we got!
We have to know that the odds has been,and probably will continue to be,but we have to fight these injustices with every resource we have. This means we need to learn what we can do to contribute such as awareness of reality, we’ve been the victim for to long people,after all these years of oppression,when will we learn,we are all we got!
—Thou shall NOT KILL!!! Gods Law!!!
Tragic, simply tragic. First someone, and I use the word very loosely, someone in a 86 percent hits her and flees the scene. No one stops to help her. She composes herself and seeks out help.
Secondly, she then finds the house of someone that is horrified of the sight of a black person knocking on their door. So horrified of the sight that instead of calling the authorities a decision is made to shoot and kill this person. No waiting, kill her now. Even if she leaves peacefully, the gun owner felt that she should die for being present on their property.
Third, the local authorities when presented with this horror, just refuses to do their job. Instead of going through the customary steps as they should have. They outright refuse to keep the oath they swore to God to uphold. Anyone that would lie to God will lie to you and me.
This article is a tragic reminder to every person in this country. These flowers are the from the seeds of hate. They still exist, as they have been since the conception of this country. People outside this country are looking at your actions. Then you wonder why they willing to die to reject your version of democracy.
McGraw, feel free to spell check this response.
Now here is the fourth horror, sit down for this one. You see on the news these organizations that get their stomachs turned when someone does this to a dog. We see animal abuse and everyone from top to bottom agrees that it must stop. Football players go to jail just for being in connection to such a crime.
But what happens when someone does this to a black person?
Where are these very same organizations to say this is wrong and we support making it right?
Where are all the people, of all the communities, willing to stand up and publicly say this is wrong?
When you have human beings in your community receiving rights less than an animal, it is a shame?
They say what is done in the dark shall come to light. As the worldwide communities become one. This country will find that everyone outside this country is watching. They see how you treat us and our children.
They are going to refuse having their children forced off the road due to the color of their skin.
They are going to refuse no one seeing this child walking in the night with none stopping to help.
They are going to refuse to have their children shot in the back of the head, when seeking help.
They are going to refuse the police refusing to serve and protect all.
Tragic, simply tragic. First someone, and I use the word very loosely, someone in a 86 percent hits her and flees the scene. No one stops to help her. She composes herself and seeks out help.
Secondly, she then finds the house of someone that is horrified of the sight of a black person knocking on their door. So horrified of the sight that instead of calling the authorities a decision is made to shoot and kill this person. No waiting, kill her now. Even if she leaves peacefully, the gun owner felt that she should die for being present on their property.
Third, the local authorities when presented with this horror, just refuses to do their job. Instead of going through the customary steps as they should have. They outright refuse to keep the oath they swore to God to uphold. Anyone that would lie to God will lie to you and me.
This article is a tragic reminder to every person in this country. These flowers are the from the seeds of hate. They still exist, as they have been since the conception of this country. People outside this country are looking at your actions. Then you wonder why they willing to die to reject your version of democracy.
McGraw, feel free to spell check this response.
May this irrational hate and fears cease from this world soon… I’m really tired of this crap.
[…] The state has a Stand Your Ground law, like Florida where Trayvon Martin was killed. As journalist Rania Khalek notes on her blog: […]
[…] The state has a Stand Your Ground law, like Florida where Trayvon Martin was killed. As journalist Rania Khalek notes on her blog: […]
[…] your ground” law applies in Michigan, the charges may not stick. As Rania Khalek has rightly pointed out on her blog, “The problem with a law like Stand Your Ground is that it excuses and encourages […]
[…] your ground” law applies in Michigan, the charges may not stick. As Rania Khalek has rightly pointed out on her blog, “The problem with a law like Stand Your Ground is that it excuses and encourages […]
The real issue is this beautiful young innocent women was killed (shot in the head). That is the real issue and something should be done about it. No more lies or cover up’s to your job police and investigators and courts.
do you job type -o
[…] this article by journalist Rania Khalek, who broke the […]
Justice for Andy lopez!!..rip renisha
Justice for Andy lopez!!..rip renisha
So… was integration with whites a net fail or success?
This is my theory; the successes are access to resources that are only shared with white countries–mortgages/credit, monetary benefits of being apart of the “white world” more credit given to consumers to buy things and live at a higher living standard.
The failures are everything else, including but not limited to,
(1) social issues (ie. mockery in the media, omit us from the mainstream like you do the asians),
(2) left-over racist attitudes and hate crimes from the WASPs (this article),
(3) exploitation in prisons, unequal sentencing to crimes,
(4) displacement of blacks to the region of the city where the bad air blows from the factories (specific to historic black neighborhoods, which were set up to be ghettos from creation),
(5) the crabs in the barrel mentality, especially in grade school, forced upon us by the whites because with integration they fragmented the black community into “white culturally” and “not white culturally”, and the most important one,
(6) the social/economic hierarchy in elementary schools; white teachers are very quick to automatically put whites in higher level classes, but it is extremely hard for minorities to get into those classes from the beginning, one has to be extremely intelligent, where as, a white individual can be dumb as rocks with an IEP.
Was integration a net fail or success? I have no opinion on it, white puritans will be white puritans.
P.S. If you look at the map of religions, you will notice that all of the white protestants puritan (historically) countries have the highest GDP or living standards, coincidence?
Nooooooooo…..! This is some bull! It has Got to stop, if we don’t raise Up and seek justice, we’re going to continue to be shot and killed for no reason, while the murderers use the racist law that favors them to justify the slayings!
Nooooooooo…..! This is some bull! It has Got to stop, if we don’t raise Up and seek justice, we’re going to continue to be shot and killed for no reason, while the murderers use the racist law that favors them to justify the slayings!
This Is Unacceptable!!!!! OMG~Praying for Renisha’s Family’s Justice This has Got To Stop!!!!!
Stop coming around here!
This Is Unacceptable!!!!! OMG~Praying for Renisha’s Family’s Justice This has Got To Stop!!!!!
Stop coming around here!
Well other life lost in another racial war with white people who do get it. We ain’t going no where but what about them.
then get what you got coming to you because i am fed up with you illegal europeans on my land! us the mexicans,east indians,chinese,koreans,and other natives are going to have to team up and take care of our problems which we all have in common and that is you white illegals!
look you need to use there laws on them like stand your ground that is why I shot him down he look like he was reaching for something to hurt me end manifest destiny is why I took his land
Well other life lost in another racial war with white people who do get it. We ain’t going no where but what about them.
Reblogged this on 3rdeyeviZion.
Reblogged this on 3rdeyeviZion.
Ok your all fuckin stupid. Why is it always he’s white so he’s racist? And if the phone was dead how does the case update say she was “scared” after being wrecked into? She knows about as much as she convinced herself of cause she wasn’t there…coming from a white woman who has a black child and was abused and abandoned by the father, and still am not racist..for people who haven’t hated a race all their lives it takes alot to hate a race all of a sudden….and why aren’t the black on white crimes racist? I can tell you how many times I was messed with walking with my sons father and hearing everything from “your taking our men..or..you white bitches need to stick to your own color..or..why fo our men want y’all. And as for the laws their in place for reasons such as the cities history…so it isn’t gonna change because yall bitch on a online post …get a grip! Wow people are hilarious and I don’t know how half of the people responding are even able to type the idiotic messages …race race race. Everything that happens in life isn’t racist maybe the person shot in fear because of something that recently went down…and didn’t call police because he was shocked when he seen her and then moved her because he had no idea what to do to stay out of jail for his family…ever think that way? Naaaa probably not cause its always gotta be racial.. I’m not saying people aren’t rude and racist because I’ve experienced it first hand because I have a biracial son and those people are trash..if it was racist those retardedly proud morons would have done it and made sure people knew because they are so foul they love their racism…hopefully the truth in this case will surface, and everyone can shut their mouths about racism because in my opinion it probably is not the deal here so pull your head up out of your asses 🙂
The law is so fucked up where ever you go that’s why ppl need to start taking matters into they own hands I would. My heart goes out to that family🙏
Seem to be a stupid question but I wonder why the cops would try to avoid the release of the identity of the person. But I guess it doesn’t take a fool to see that 😉
Seem to be a stupid question but I wonder why the cops would try to avoid the release of the identity of the person. But I guess it doesn’t take a fool to see that 😉
another case of shoot first being a very bad mindframe
another case of shoot first being a very bad mindframe
[…] need to inform ourselves about the unjust murder of a young black woman and the outrageous response that has succeeded the […]
Headlines like this are inflammatory. Imagine if it said “white woman shot to death in black neighborhood” it would be a scandal, Sharpton and the crew would be out screaming bloody murder and law suits would be filed. People need to wake up.
Headlines like this are inflammatory. Imagine if it said “white woman shot to death in black neighborhood” it would be a scandal, Sharpton and the crew would be out screaming bloody murder and law suits would be filed. People need to wake up.
Both models shows before trying on, sit in the front of the fashion show the most Christian Dior, both lost in thought, or having celebrities wear Dior colorful dress at the party, will no longer limited by time, through the sheets of photo collages out past story.
As a fighter for gun violence prevention I spend hours every week combing through news articles about gun deaths and researching gun violence. This story out of ALL the stories I have read sickens me the most. And I thought I had heard it all. Bless this innocent young woman and her family. It is our job to keep this story alive and demand justice.
Let us remember and fight for all victims of racial hate and violence:
Let us remember and fight for all victims of racial hate and violence:
Truly fucked up. Let that had been a white girl.
Truly fucked up. Let that had been a white girl.
Thank you so much, It’s nice writing
I am sorry that this unfortunate incident happened to this girl but I am also sick of race being brought into it as if all white people are against blacks. Statistics show that 91 percent of black kill blacks and what about the 2 veterans that black thugs beat to death.Veterans that fought for this country so they could stay free, Or the white baby that was shot in the face at point blank range and the baseball player from Australia, murdered just for being white!!!! Is that not racism? Where is the justice for these people? When you clean up the 91 percent ratio then maybe the race card can be used against the 9 percent of whites!
Kim you are rite black Americans are shit not all of them a lot go to school but there are ones that should be shot dead in the street they don’t just drag down blacks but the human race , and it is the mother and farther that don’t watch there kids , and don’t take time to know who there kids are hang out with and doing
I am sorry that this unfortunate incident happened to this girl but I am also sick of race being brought into it as if all white people are against blacks. Statistics show that 91 percent of black kill blacks and what about the 2 veterans that black thugs beat to death.Veterans that fought for this country so they could stay free, Or the white baby that was shot in the face at point blank range and the baseball player from Australia, murdered just for being white!!!! Is that not racism? Where is the justice for these people? When you clean up the 91 percent ratio then maybe the race card can be used against the 9 percent of whites!
I say F#$% the Detroit Police they are some horrible Ba#E$$^…. First they lie and then they try to cover their Asses….. I would turn to the feds for this one its already written that the police has already refused to do there sworn duty by falsifying statements that could be presented in court under sworn oath and how can they stand and tell the truth for the prosecutor when the defense will point to the officers account of the matter. Does this sound like Mark Furman? Dirty rotten suckers. If he gets away with it its because the police has F$%$$D it up… Thank you Detroit Police…
Really? Is the state trying to say that the home owner was scared and can get away with this murder by claiming Stand Your Ground? How is it Standing Your Ground when the home owner is behind a locked door and the victim is on the other side of the locked door, with her back to the door, as she is walking away.
Put the home owner is jail before someone else decides to seek out justice. He might be safer behind bars.
Really? Is the state trying to say that the home owner was scared and can get away with this murder by claiming Stand Your Ground? How is it Standing Your Ground when the home owner is behind a locked door and the victim is on the other side of the locked door, with her back to the door, as she is walking away.
Put the home owner is jail before someone else decides to seek out justice. He might be safer behind bars.
Racism is bringing America to its knees; the liberty that we once admired n beacons us to her shores is being threatened, the gap btw black n white is getting wider every day.
You don’t have to look further than the national unemployment rate to see that. The numbers don’t lie, I’m just telling it like it is. We can take race out of the picture and look at bare facts.
Racism is part of the inner working of the United states, it is the bedrock that it is built on and it will crumble with out it so they think, white America tell there kid they are better than the other kids in the your town and better than the black kids , and don’t mix with them . now this is wide spread it is okay it wont your kids ,to have kids by someone like your self . but you cant control who they fall in love with .a man in the past said it is the content of your soul , but you don’t know who your soul mate is they may be black or white or chines you don’t know . that is why there are so few all white kids being born to day I an black east endian and white where I am from a lot of us are like that then the others are mix with chines . now I am off on some other shit. we cant change a thing about it , we have to teach our kids to be good people and love one and another and love who you wont as long that they be good to you and marry for love not money and maybe all the hate will stop
just wait till other races end up getting involved then it’s going to look like a real 4th of july .the worst thing that can happen is if this gains international attention and south africa, china,russia ,north korea get involved and then last but not least india gets dragged into the war its going to be absolute anarchy!dont forget brics is brazil,russia,india,china,south africa. dont forget america owes money!LOTS of MONEY!.to china
look racism is write in to the law of the land , that man is going to get away with what he did he all ready did he got that law stand your ground to fall back on , the only way things will change is if a black man shoot a white man or woman or kid and say I had to stand my ground then and only then it will change , but American blacks are to busy killing each other like there is to many of blacks all ready , plus American whites know that blacks don’t have it in them to even try to change the laws M LK was the first and the last black man to stand up for his people and the whites know that , Travon got gun down and the man who did it got away with it, it could have gone to a higher court the feeds could have taken up the case siting in the interest of Justas, because Justas was serve in behalf of that young man but no not even Oboma stud up so you all are fucked , but no you all will bitch and complain and do nothing .
Racism is bringing America to its knees; the liberty that we once admired n beacons us to her shores is being threatened, the gap btw black n white is getting wider every day.
You don’t have to look further than the national unemployment rate to see that. The numbers don’t lie, I’m just telling it like it is. We can take race out of the picture and look at bare facts.
just wait till other races end up getting involved then it’s going to look like a real 4th of july .the worst thing that can happen is if this gains international attention and south africa, china,russia ,north korea get involved and then last but not least india gets dragged into the war its going to be absolute anarchy!dont forget brics is brazil,russia,india,china,south africa. dont forget america owes money!LOTS of MONEY!.to china
look racism is write in to the law of the land , that man is going to get away with what he did he all ready did he got that law stand your ground to fall back on , the only way things will change is if a black man shoot a white man or woman or kid and say I had to stand my ground then and only then it will change , but American blacks are to busy killing each other like there is to many of blacks all ready , plus American whites know that blacks don’t have it in them to even try to change the laws M LK was the first and the last black man to stand up for his people and the whites know that , Travon got gun down and the man who did it got away with it, it could have gone to a higher court the feeds could have taken up the case siting in the interest of Justas, because Justas was serve in behalf of that young man but no not even Oboma stud up so you all are fucked , but no you all will bitch and complain and do nothing .
In order for the Shotgun to go off you must have your finger on the trigger. You live in a lavished neighborhood why do you need a Shotgun to answer the door? Why was not the police called if you through you was in danger? No I can stand my ground and kill just because the Law say’s I can.
In order for the Shotgun to go off you must have your finger on the trigger. You live in a lavished neighborhood why do you need a Shotgun to answer the door? Why was not the police called if you through you was in danger? No I can stand my ground and kill just because the Law say’s I can.
Don’t come around here!!
the grammar in this article is total shit.
Grammar ya’ll be’s worried about? Personally I just THANK GOD! Almighty that Poor White Man in Dearborn Heights had his Shotgun Locked and Loaded at his side!!!! Heaven only knows what that Savage might have done too him otherwise???
the grammar in this article is total shit.
Grammar ya’ll be’s worried about? Personally I just THANK GOD! Almighty that Poor White Man in Dearborn Heights had his Shotgun Locked and Loaded at his side!!!! Heaven only knows what that Savage might have done too him otherwise???
Let me take a minute to just say my condolences go out to the family that has unnecessarily lost a child.
Do not forget, it will take every man, woman and child to stop this type of thing. Either you are a part of the solution or part of the problem. You decided what you would like to stand for.
This goes out to the immigrants coming to the United States from all over the world. Beware, especially if your skin tone is comparable to this young ladies. For I know that anyone coming from any are near the hemisphere, you shall be dark skinned. Anywhere the slave ship stopped, you shall be dark skinned. If you stand by and watch this now, you shall soon be next.
This is about race no matter how much we try not to focus on it, it is. This is a time that all should be shocked and appalled. Not just black, nor just white but the whole community.
For those making statements like “you people”, “savages”, “they should spell check”, ask yourself what if this was your daughter? How would you feel? I know it will amaze some, but we love our children just like everyone else. Just like people all over the world love their children.
Exactly. We must refuse to be divided and conquered. United we stand. United citizens for peace and prosperity. Poor poor Renisha. Rest in peace.
P. S. I recommend that everyone read 12 Years a Slave. If everyone read it, it might change the world.
Echoing your thoughts: http://www.pressandguide.com/articles/2013/11/08/news/doc527d0a029c533766597418.txt?viewmode=2
Let me take a minute to just say my condolences go out to the family that has unnecessarily lost a child.
Do not forget, it will take every man, woman and child to stop this type of thing. Either you are a part of the solution or part of the problem. You decided what you would like to stand for.
This goes out to the immigrants coming to the United States from all over the world. Beware, especially if your skin tone is comparable to this young ladies. For I know that anyone coming from any are near the hemisphere, you shall be dark skinned. Anywhere the slave ship stopped, you shall be dark skinned. If you stand by and watch this now, you shall soon be next.
This is about race no matter how much we try not to focus on it, it is. This is a time that all should be shocked and appalled. Not just black, nor just white but the whole community.
For those making statements like “you people”, “savages”, “they should spell check”, ask yourself what if this was your daughter? How would you feel? I know it will amaze some, but we love our children just like everyone else. Just like people all over the world love their children.
Echoing your thoughts: http://www.pressandguide.com/articles/2013/11/08/news/doc527d0a029c533766597418.txt?viewmode=2
[…] “The state has a Stand Your Ground law, like Florida where Trayvon Martin was killed. As journalist Rania Khalek notes on her blog: […]
[…] “The state has a Stand Your Ground law, like Florida where Trayvon Martin was killed. As journalist Rania Khalek notes on her blog: […]
[…] your ground” law applies in Michigan, the charges may not stick. As Rania Khalek has rightly pointed out on her […]
[…] your ground” law applies in Michigan, the charges may not stick. As Rania Khalek has rightly pointed out on her […]
[…] your ground” law applies in Michigan, the charges may not stick. As Rania Khalek has rightly pointed out on her […]
[…] into despair. I want to lash out in anger. As I read the story of what happened to 19 year-old Renisha McBride, a young women who was shot in the back of the head while seeking help after having car trouble […]
[…] your ground” law applies in Michigan, the charges may not stick. As Rania Khalek has rightly pointed out on her […]
[…] your ground” law applies in Michigan, the charges may not stick. As Rania Khalek has rightly pointed out on her […]
What the mother (blank) is next???? 19yrs old.This is not fair….My twin boys are 17 and my oldest boy is 25.Hurt and praying.I am a farther
[…] your ground” law applies in Michigan, the charges may not stick. As Rania Khalek has rightly pointed out on her […]
[…] your ground” law applies in Michigan, the charges may not stick. As Rania Khalek has rightly pointed out on her […]
Outrageous, The American Justice system and the police have failed..
[…] your ground” law applies in Michigan, the charges may not stick. As Rania Khalek has rightly pointed out on her […]
[…] your ground” law applies in Michigan, the charges may not stick. As Rania Khalek has rightly pointed out on her […]
i agree with the overall sentiment of this article but there is an overwhelming amount of misinformation that should be corrected in it.
[…] As Rania Khalek points out: […]
[…] Good Lord: a 19 year old black woman in a (mostly white) Detroit suburb got into a car accident at 2:30 in the morning, went onto the porch of a nearby house to ask for help, and was shot and killed, allegedly by the homeowner, who thought he was being attacked. The victim’s family says she was shot in the back of the head, apparently as she was leaving. Rania Khalek comments: […]
[…] Good Lord: a 19 year old black woman in a (mostly white) Detroit suburb got into a car accident at 2:30 in the morning, went onto the porch of a nearby house to ask for help, and was shot and killed, allegedly by the homeowner, who thought he was being attacked. The victim’s family says she was shot in the back of the head, apparently as she was leaving. Rania Khalek comments: […]
[…] Detroit. It took 13 days of protests for her killer to be charged with murder. See coverage from Rania Khalek, dream hampton, and Democracy […]
[…] Detroit. It took 13 days of protests for her killer to be charged with murder. See coverage from Rania Khalek, dream hampton, and Democracy […]
If she was a WHITE WOMAN WITH BLONDE HAIR, he would not be so fast of shooting her!!
[…] to do with the race of the parties”—but no one who looks at the case can take that seriously. As journalist Rania Khalek wrote at her blog, Renisha was “a Black woman from Detroit, which is 82 percent Black, whereas Dearborn Heights, […]
[…] to do with the race of the parties”—but no one who looks at the case can take that seriously. As journalist Rania Khalek wrote at her blog, Renisha was “a Black woman from Detroit, which is 82 percent Black, whereas Dearborn Heights, […]
[…] with the race of the parties”–but no one who looks at the case can take that seriously. As journalist Rania Khalek wrote at her blog, Renisha was “a Black woman from Detroit, which is 82 percent Black, whereas Dearborn […]
Well other life lost in another racial war with white people who do get it. We ain’t going no where but what about them.
then you are going to fn DiE!
GET OFF MY LAND! this time you wont be lucky …..NOT AT ALL !
Well other life lost in another racial war with white people who do get it. We ain’t going no where but what about them.
then you are going to fn DiE!