Watch me yell at rich white people crying about the use of the term “concentration camp” (👋🏽 Chuck Todd and Meghan McCain).
AND then watch me highlight the Democratic party’s complicity in the caging of children
— Rania Khalek (@RaniaKhalek) July 12, 2019
Rania Khalek
Dispatches from the Underclass
Hi Rania,
My name is Yoel , i’m of Yemeni-Aramean Jew-Born from Israel, I study religious studies. 42 yo. Just before my M.A. I dedicated all my life from an early age for studying and searching the truth. Today I not only support but identify myself with Palestinians, especially the Christians. I prefer to be identified as Palestinian Secular Christian, even though I cannot represent myself fully as such here -not yet anyway. I’m Anti-Zionist, and Anti-Turkish as well.
I studied and gathered in last years so deep and comprehensive matterials and insights, that I can with a lot of help, start a new phase of Journalism above all for Semitic-Arabs and related groups, and in favour of Greater Syria and Western Asia. I will contact with other Palestinians and Druze here, (it’s impossible to share with Anti-Zionist Israelis they are almost not to be found here),I would like to speak with you, or chat in Skype.
I apologize for my English, it’s one of the reason I need cooperation with others.
I think you are one of the best Journalist in the sphere of Western Anti-Imperialism. I am impressed. I hope you will give me a chance to represent something of it, and not deny or suspect me, please.