Rania Khalek Dispatches from the Underclass

Tag / Eugene Puryear

Eritrea is the most demonized and sanctioned African country. Why? It’s not human rights abuses because there are far worse governments the U.S. supports. Eritrea also has better social indicators of health care and education than its pro-U.S. counterparts. Washington’s real problem with Eritrea is that it’s an independent country that refuses to be a […]

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The U.S. and EU have accused Ethiopia of every atrocity imaginable and now they’re preparing sanctions. The Ethiopian government insists that it’s legitimately fighting a separatist group, the formerly ruling TPLF, which is attempting to regain power through violence and terrorism. Who’s telling the truth? What explains the one-sided media coverage? How do Eritrea and […]

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Ethiopia has been in the headlines in recent months as the TPLF, a Tigrayan rebel group that ruled the country for three decades, violently seized the northern Ethiopian state of Tigray from the government. As of this recording, the Ethiopian government had declared a ceasefire. However, the TPLF has continued fighting to expand its control […]

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